Sunday, March 29, 2015

3-29-15 Sumday Evening

The last few days have been filled with enjoying--at last--wonderful weather.  We have been outdoors from morning to evening.

We are slowing but surely getting to the point of being ready to depart Wednesday morning.

I have all of the kitchen items that belong in the mh (when we are on the road) back in their rightful places.  The outside refrigerator is empty and cleaned.  In fact all is done there.  I will do the last of the laundry tomorrow and/or Tuesday, and the kitchen can then be locked.

We have been invited to neighors Glenda and Milton's for lunch tomorrow at two.  I am in the process of baking a dessert for that meal.

Glen has finished some trim items in the "outdoor" bathroom.  He has all of his tools put away.  

There are two jobs to be done at the last minute....taking down the sun/wind shades and putting away, and, storing the patio table/chairs.  That's it, almost finished.  Each job will take about 15-20 minutes each.

We sprayed water onto the roof over the outdoor kitchen--where the leaking had taken place.  Eureka! no leaks!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

3-25-15 Zapata in Bloom

Spring has sprung!

Enjoy these blooms seen around Zapata this morning! I will label the ones I know! a field. 
 Orchid tree
 Hibiscious with a rose on the left.
Wild Poppy

Wild Olive, I think

Huische (pronounced "wee-sach-ee")


Petunias in our yard

In a field

Bottle bush

Rose Garden

Cats Claw

Bougenevilla ( I am sure this isn't spelled correctly)
Aloe Vera-yellow variety; also comes in orange

Look forward to prickly pear in bloom.

Five plus inches of rain plus days in the high 80's and 90's equals an abundance of blooms.

Glen's ankle is somewhat better today.  He has been putting weight/pressure on it without using crutches.

We are slowly prepping for departure one week from today.  Every time I got outdoors I bring something in from the "outside' kitchen.  

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

3-24-15 It's Official....the last Jam Session of the Season

Reminder: Glen turned his ankle last Friday.

The ankle is still swollen and painful.  We went to Laredo yesterday to 1) buy crutches; and 2) order tires for the front of the pick up, and 3) to find something to stop the leaks in the roof of the Outdoor Living Space (naturally in the kitchen area, over the stove).

We purchased a gallon of the stuff that goes on metal rooves or mobile homes or RVs.  It smells like tar, starts out black,  and after stirring is silver.  When we got home we used a roller on a long handle to roll it over the leaking area.  We were too busy today to spray water on the roof to see if it is still leaking.  Tomorrow we will spray water and monitor for leaks.  Is it okay to pray for a non-leaking roof.  

Today Glen awakened and could not stand/put any weight on the ankle.  After discussion we decided to go to Laredo to the emergency room to get an x-ray.

When we arrived the waiting room was filled with sick people and their families.   

We arrived at approximately 1:15. signed in, Glen had x-ray taken, saw the doctor, and left at 5:15.  The good news: there are no broken bones.  The not-so-good news:  it will take a while to heal!

After eating a (very)late lunch or an early dinner, and stopping at Walmart for medicine we got home at 7:30.  

This was the last Tuesday night Jam Session of the winter season.  There were ten musicians on stage.  Glen got there in time to sing one country song and one gospel song.  

Dairy Queen was closed tonight for remodeling.  No Blizzards tonight.  Instead the after-Jam crowd met at McDonald's for the food of their choosing.

There will be one more trip to Laredo this week--either Wednesday if the tires arrive on schedule, or Thursday.  

Sunday, March 22, 2015

3-22-15 Saturday and Sunday

It has been a very quiet week end.  

Saturday morning I went to town with a quest.....finding a pair of crutches.  Glen could not walk on the twisted ankle.  The new CVS drugstore was out of stock; they could order and crutches be here Monday; but I didn't order them.  

The next stop was the medical clinic which told me they did not have crutches in stock--even for their patients.  

The other/second pharmacy was closed.

I came home and texted the neighbors.  Immediately Joyce texted me she had a pair and was on the way to deliver them.  I thanked her and handed them to Glen.

There is one slight problem with them.  They are sized for someone who is 5-foot 10-inches or more.  Glen doesn't fit that category.  

The ankle is better--not much--but better.  Glen is still gimpy, hobbling, limping--you get the picture.

Our departure date is April 1 from Zapata, which gives us nine days to get the things that have migrated from the motor home to outside back in their rightful places.  Every time I make a trip to the outside kitchen I plan on bringing something back to the motor home.  I don't want the last day to be overwhelming.  

It was 80 degrees and sunshiny today.  Finally a warm spring day.

Friday, March 20, 2015

3-20-15 A Twisting Day

I awakened at six a.m., walked softly to the bathroom, then the living room.  Looking out the front windshield I saw the fifth wheel and pick up in the street, Evelyn closing the gate.  Gary was in the truck.

In just one minute Evelyn was in the truck and they were off to Missouri.  We heard from them late this evening and learned they are half way 'home".  

Glen and I working outdoors, used the power washer on the new concrete, washing off the mud; then the front concrete where the mesquite leaves had accumulated around the jacks and wheels of the fifth wheel.  

Over the sound of the power washer motor I heard Glen yelling at me.  I looked around and he was lying on the sidewalk.  He had stepped on the edge of the sidewalk, twisted his ankle and went to the ground.

There is nothing broken.  He iced and elevated the ankle.  It is very sore.  We bought an ankle brace.  He uses the brace when he is walking.  It is going to be sore for a few days.  He is prone to twisting his weak ankles although it has been quite some time since it has been this swollen.  The ankle is about the size of a small grapefruit.  

Jim and Cris, friends in the neighborhood, happened by when Glen was sitting with ice on the ankle.  They jumped right in and mowed the yard so Glen or I wouldn't have to.  It was not necessary but nice that it is done!

There is a "flash flood alert" issued for this area from now until Saturday evening.  There is another 3-4 inches of rain forecast.  This is very unusual for this time of year.  

Thursday, March 19, 2015

3-19-15 The Last Jam Session

It was the last Thursday Jam Session this afternoon.

There were eight musicians.  Everyone got to play lots of songs.  

Gary and Evelyn finished final preparations for an early morning departure.  The truck is hooked up to the fifth wheel.  All that is left is unplugging the electricity and they will be gone.

We heard from Jeff and Marcella this evening.  They put "the pedal to the metal" today.  They are spending the night in McAllister Oklahoma, only four and half hours from Springfield MO.

Friends Fred and Gay left about 7 a.m., and made it to near the OK border.  

It is going to be lonely and quiet around here.  

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

3-18-15 "Let's Say Good-Bye Like We Said Hello, In a Friendly Kind of Way!"

Today was the Welcome to Spring! Luncheon hosted by Chef Gary Morrow and Evelyn, Jeff and Marcella, and Glen and Gayla.

There were 21 of us in attendance, all of us living in the neighborhood.  

We were able to be outdoors, even though it has rained 3 1/2 inches the past two days.  Timing was good.  By the time the meal was served at one o'clock, the rain had stopped.  

Chef Gary served prime rib with baked potatoes, Oriental slaw.  Neighbors brought a veggie tray, fresh corn, pineapple upside down cake, dump cake, pretzel Jello salad, fruit salad, and sugar cookies. It was scrumptious!

There was much visiting and fellowship after the meal.

As soon as the last guests departed Jeff and Marcella finished arranging their motorhome for departure.  They were on the road by 6:45 p.m.  They texted us to let us know they were stopping about ten o'clock.  

The abundant rain played havoc with a smooth departure.  It took driving on boards  from the concrete to the highway, getting out of the yard.  

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

3-17-15 St. Patrick's Day-----Raindrops falling on My Head

Real rain drops.
Real rain storms.

Here in Zapata.
Real rain.

Since this morning there has been a total of 1.56 inches of rain here on our side of town. (so far)
It's still raining--hard.  10:45 p.m.

Tonight at the jam session it was raining so hard the musicians could hardly be heard.  There may have been more rain three miles from here.  

Departure plans for Jeff/Marcella may be delayed.  They were planning on leaving tomorrow afternoon after a neighborhood lunch.  They want to be in Springfield MO on Friday.  

Gary and Evelyn are planning on leaving Friday morning.  

We sat outside under the tin roof most of the day.  It is such a soothing sound hearing the rain drops on the tin roof.  

Monday, March 16, 2015

3-16-15 (Monday) Little Bit of This, Little Bit of That, with some music thrown in

It was a good day to finish up some projects.

Glen and Jeff worked on the bathroom project; it isn't quite finished, but close.  The inside walls are being lined with new roofing tin.  There is about a sheet and half more to hang.

I thinned out some aloe vera plants that I have planted along a fence.  There was a wheelbarrow full of aloe "pups" (the babies) after I finished.  It doesn't take long for plants to take over a corner or a yard or a flower bed.

Tonight was the last night for this winter season of Monday night Jam Session.  The performers have all enjoyed the guitar playing and singing.  As part of the audience I can say we all have enjoyed it.

Here's Evelyn, Marcella, and Glen tonight at Amigo Inn.

Marcella and Jeff are leaving Thursday morning, driving to Springfield MO.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

3-14-15 One Fine Day

It was a fine day for.....

sitting outdoors,

watching a parade, 

attending the neighbor's dance party--no,we didn't dance!

This is the ending week end of the Zapata County Fair.  There was a parade this morning with approximately 60 units.  Here's a few pictures from this morning.

The Border Patrol was represented by this unit.

Now we know where Santa goes after Christmas!

My favorite: This was sponsored by the Laredo TX Police Department.  Remember to click on it to enlarge.

This float was sponsored by First Baptist Church, Zapata.  Our pastor, Lee Ortegon, on on the right front of the wagon.

 This is my second favorite: a radio-controlled car with two tots.  (I assume) Dad was doing the controlling.
Most of the gang: L.--Gary/Evelyn Morrow; Jeff/Marcella Schnakenberg; Gay/Fred Vaughan
The rest of the gang: Gay/Fred Vaughan; Glen Hickey; Mark Miller.  We were sitting in front of the glass repair business that Mark owns.

Friday, March 13, 2015

3-13-15 Fish Fry

Afternoon Jam Session took place at Stinson's RV Park.  There were eight musicians.

Afterwards all of us joined Fred and Gay at Pizza Hut for dinner.

We were outdoors all day.  There were a few morning showers that made wonderful sounds on the tin roof.

I baked a cake in preparation for dinner tonight.

Marcella prepared a cabbage casserole.  Evelyn made corn bread.  All of these side dishes were for the fish fry.

Chef Jeff fried halibut for supper tonight.  We used the last two packages of our halibut, and three of Jeff/Marcella's.  He dredged each piece in flour, then into an egg/milk mixture, and finally into unseasoned bread crumbs.  It was De-e-li-cious!

After the wonderful meal and exchange of several stories about growing up on farms, dairy farms in Oklahoma and Missouri, we all played a couple of games of cards.  

Dishes are done, left overs are in in the refrig, and clean-up is complete.

More fun is planned for tomorrow.  Actually every day is fun.  Some is more planned than others.

These are Texas bluebonnets in bloom at the edge of Falcon Lake.  This is the first season we have ever seen them in this area.  They are fragrant as well as beautiful.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

3-10-15 Short and Sweet

Routine day!

We worked outdoors this morning.

Glen, Evelyn, and Marcella practiced and chose music for the jam session tonight.

We went to Tuesday night jam session.  There were 12 on stage.  

Several of us went to Dairy Queen after the Jam.

We have a road trip planned for tomorrow!

Monday, March 9, 2015

3-9-15 Two Days At A Time

It was a rainy ole day in Zapata.  There was even lightning and thunder Saturday night.  

In the afternoon the musicians in the family.....Evelyn, Glen, and Marcella, performed at an afternoon Gospel Jam session at the neighboring Four Seasons RV Park.  The non-musicians in the family....Gary, Gayla, and Jeff, sat in the audience.

There were eleven performers on stage.  

It started out rainy again this morning!  

We sat in Evelyn/Gary's RV and watched the season finale of "Downton Abbey".  

After lunch we went to the rec hall at Amigo Inn RV Park to see Fred and Gay.  We all played shuffleboard.  It was played on a table surface, It was about 30 feet long.  Playing was a learning experience, but fun.  Each team had two players.  

After all that fun, it was time to prepare for the Monday night Jam Session.  The musicians are having more fun each performance, and it is more fun to listen and enjoy the performances.

Oh, by the way, the cloudy wet skies disappeared about 4, the sun popped out, and the day ended  with a high of 77 degrees.We are all wishing for more days like this afternoon.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

3-6/7-15 Wildlife

Let's see if we can get this to open. Now I can't get to quit playing--sorry.  
Yesterday Glen and I went to Laredo.
There were items to return to the Home Depot, things not used in the tiling project.
Of course, there was a stop at Walmart to refill a prescription. 
No matter how short the Walmart list, it always takes most of the day to go and return.

Gary is nearly sick with a cold.  
Marcella, Jeff, Evelyn, Glen and I played games last night:  Mexican Train, and cards.

Gary chose to stay home while the rest of us took a road trip.

We went to Salineo bird sanctuary.  Marcella and Jeff, as well as the rest of us, enjoyed seeing all of the birds.

We then went to Roma.  The town square is ringed by OLD, from the 1800's, buildings.  One is the hotel in the movie "viva, Zapata!" which starred John Wayne.

Enjoy these pictures: these were taken at Falcon State Park, Falcon Lake, TX

Javelina trying to reach prickly pear cactus.

There were four javelina in this troop.  


Pyrrahuxolia.  I call it a "wannabe Cardinal"

Thursday, March 5, 2015

3-5-15 Same Song, 48th Verse

The weather center says the high today was 69 degrees; but that was at midnight.  Since this morning the temperatures have ranged from 41 degrees to 49 degrees.   Winds were from the north up to 25 mph.  There was a warning for "wind chills".

We mostly stayed indoors today, except to go to the Thursday afternoon Jam Session.

I did a short video of Glen, Marcella, Evelyn singing/playing but can't get it to download to the email.  I will see if Jeff can help tomorrow.  

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

3-4-15 Wed. Tile Guy is Finished Still in Zapata TX

David, the tile installer, came mid-morning, and finished tiling the shower.  It looks very nice.  There will be pictures tomorrow.

We enjoyed today to the fullest.  Temperatures reached 81 degrees, with a wake-up temp of 61 degrees.  We were outdoors all day.

Why?  Tomorrow is going to be much different.  Highs in the 40's, and north winds will create a wind chill all day tomorrow.  

We played a few ganes of 19-point pitch.  Glen got busy with some clean-up.  Gary and Evelyn taught Jeff, Marcella, and me how to play 5-player/10 point pitch.  

Chefs Marcella and Jeff prepared Mongolian Beef for lunch today.  Um-m-m, good.  Pastry Chef Gary baked a strawberry cake with an infusion of strawberry puree, and topped with strawberries.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

3-3-15 Hilltop Gardens, Lyford TX

Today all of us except Glen were part of a bus trip to Lyford Texas, north of McAllen, to visit Hilltop Gardens.  

"Located on over 400 acres in Lyford, TX, Hilltop Gardens is considered the historical home of Aloe in the US.  The ideal climate and nutrient-rich soil of this prime farmland produce some of the finest plants in the world, all of which are gorown naturally perfect without the use of pesticides."

Our bus group of 20 enjoyed touring the gardens with the leadership of the head botanist, Mr. Thornton.

We learned there are over 300 species of aloe vera in the world, most located in Africa, and most on the endangered list.

The memorial aloe garden at Hilltop contains over 200 species.

Following are some pictures from today's tours.  If I know the variety, I will label the picture; otherwise, just enjoy the beauty.
Grouping of bamboo

Ti plant

 The five below were taken in the aloe memorial garden.

Above is a lemon tree.

Grouping of Agave plants.  Tequilla is made from the fermented juice.  Agave sweetner is made from the juice before fermentation begins.

Bloom from "powder puff" tree.

Giant white bird of paradise.

More typical "bird of paradise."
Variety of cacti; notice the "folded" arm.

I am out of space.  May be a few more photos tomorrow.

Monday, March 2, 2015

3-2-15 (Monday) Same Song, 47th Verse

Weather:  damp, drizzly, cloudy, temps in the 40's--did make it to 54 degrees.

There was plenty of time for catching up on recorded television shows, reading, and card games.

Glen, Marcella, and Evelyn played and sang at the Monday night Jam Session along with friends Fred and Gay.  The recreation hall was full.

Tomorrow, oh, tomorrow is supposed to be a different and better day.  The highs are forecast to be in the 80's.  We are going on a bus tour.  Check back Tuesday night or Wednesday for pictures and descriptions.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

FEB 28/March 1, 2015 The Week-End Report

Saturday and Sunday

It's been a typical week end.  

The weather kept us indoors all day.  We played several games of 19-point pitch.

Glen, Evelyn, and Marcella went to choir practice last night at church.

It was in the forties all day Saturday.

We all went to church this morning; then enjoyed lunch along with Fred and Gay at Robert's Catfish.

This afternoon Glen, with his crew--Gary and Jeff, finished prepping the shower area.  The shower is now ready for the tiler to arrive tomorrow.

Glen's back is feeling much better.

CAUTION: Chef at work
Not one, but two chefs at work at the Hickey RV Resort.

Jeff made three loaves of cinnamon raisin bread this afternoon.  We enjoyed a slice of warm bread for supper!


We then all watched the Friday night episode of "The Amazing Race."  All caught up!