Monday, March 31, 2014

3-31-2014 Travel Day (The Landing Point RV Park, Cape Girardeau, MO)

It was up and at 'em this morning.

We were on the road by 8:30-8:45 with a stop at the north/east edge of Fort Smith for diesel.  Cost: $3.64 with the discount card at Walmart.  BTW, that was the cheapest we saw all day.

We changed the normal route to Cape Girardeau to go to Poplar Bluff MO.  We received a call this morning that the income tax filing was ready for signature.  That didn't take long!

The wife of another retiree from the electric cooperative was also in the lobby of the CPA office.  It was a great visit with her.

To our Poplar Bluff friends, this stop was very quick.  We needed to get to Cape Girardeau.

Our son and daughter in law had plans to attend a candlelight vigil for the recently deceased assistant chief of police.

We parked the motorhome, plugged in, put the slides out, and made it to their house in time for them to go to the vigil.

Our son had not told the grandkids that we were coming tonight.  We rang the doorbell; they opened the door, and what a greeting we got!  Oh how they both have grown.  Ashlynn has a gappy smile!  Zade was dressed in Cardinal red to watch the season-opener.

Yesterday Zade told his dad, "Dad, you need to set the recorder for 3:00 for the Cardinal game (today) 'cause I will be in school."  He was watching the game when we got there!

The fun begins!  Zade has a soccer game tomorrow evening, and baseball practice on Wednesday.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

3-30-2014 A Special Happening

In some ways it was Sunday, as usual.  

Tonight we attended church where our daughter's 90-yr-old father in law sang and played his guitar for three songs.  

Willie now lives in a nursing home, but has adjusted well.  He was crowned King of the nursing home at Valentine's Day.  Six months ago it was uncertain whether Willie would make it through the night or not.  Now he is playing his guitar, performing music each Wednesday at noon, and enjoying painting.  

Isn't God good.  I just pray I am able to to enjoy life that late in life.

We said our "good-byes" to Trisha, Jeff, Brady, Tanner, Landon and Natalie tonight.  This has been a fast week.  We will see them in 75 days when they land in Anchorage, Alaska....unless we get back here in between now and departure time.

They go to school until June 10.  They won't much time to get ready for their trip.  

Saturday, March 29, 2014

3-28, 29-2014 Friday and Saturday

Friday and Saturday 

We are treasuring the time spent with family these days.  Tanner has grown and nearly caught up with his brother Brady.  These three boys can put away the food!

Tanner, Brady, Dacks (friend of the boys), and Landon at the trap practice field this afternoon.  Landon is Trisha's step-son, but all are our grandsons.

Dacks went to dinner with us.  After dinner Dacks was at the house plus Matt, another friend.  Lots of testosterone floating around the living room with five teen-aged boys all in one place.  

Trisha threatened to come spend the night with us as she was so outnumbered!  In the end she stayed at their house.  

One more day here! 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

3-27-2014 Spring Storms

It's springtime in Arkansas.

The weather alert radio has "alerted" twice in the past 30  minutes.  Right now the storms are in eastern Oklahoma but are headed this way.  There is lightning in the sky.

We had a great afternoon with Trisha, and the four grandchildren.  Jeff was flying for a client.  

Trisha had the kids gathering heavy coats, long underwear, stocking caps and gloves to pack which we will then take with us in the back of the pick up truck.  There is no way for the family to be able to take all of that on the plane going to Alaska.

You did know all six of them are going to fly to Alaska, and rent a RV, and travel with us for 13 days, didn't you?

Trisha is ready for Alaska.  She is singing "we are going to Alaska".  The bummer in all of the excitement: they don't get out of school until June 10 and they fly out on June 13.  

All of us plus Jeff's dad went to an all-you-can-eat pizza buffet for dinner.  Can you picture or imagine  how much pizza three teen-age boys can eat?

Another storm warming just alerted to a storm with hail and 60 mph wind for this area.  We are getting ready to bring in the slide rooms.  

Good night.  Be safe.  

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

3-26-2014 One of Those Days

Brady and Glen after some quality music time.

Look!  I had a lesson on how to download pictures from my phone to the computer from the above-mentioned Brady!  He knows all things related to computers and internet technology.

Thank you, dear Brady, for assisting with the hands-on lesson.

It has been one of those days.  We mostly stayed in all day.  Glen went out this afternoon with the intention of washing part of the motorhome.  He wasn't gone long when he came indoors with frozen hands,  and rain drops all over his jacket.

Brady and Tanner spent the day with their dad.  Trisha ran errands.  Jeff was gone all day on a business flight.

We ate dinner with Trisha and Jeff.  Brady and Tanner came by here after returning from their's dad's.

We shall see what tomorrow holds.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

3-25-2014 The Joy of Grandsons (Greenwood AR fairgrounds)

We arrived in Greenwood AR at noon today.  We drove to the fairgrounds where the gates were open.  

I had previously texted our 16-year old grandson, Brady, our approximate arrival time.  Brady and brother Tanner, age nearly 14, were waiting for us. (In case you are wondering, they are on spring-break this week)

What a wonderful greeting committee...  our two grandsons.  Tanner, it seems, has grown at least four inches since Thanksgiving.  He is near or at the six-foot height.  Brady, of course, is at least 6'6" if not a couple of inches more.  He bent over for a hug from Grammy and I still hardly can reach his neck!

We had a great visit with them.  They are such gentlemen, well-grounded in their Christianity, doing well in school, each with their own bright personalities.  Tanner, the entertainer; and Brady, the quiet one, computer+technology expert/guitarist extraordaire.   

We are going to be here for a few days.  

Monday, March 24, 2014

3-24-2014 We Waltzed Across Texas Today (Walmart, Ashdown, Arkansas)

We made it to Arkansas today.  "We" is collective as Glen did all the driving.  I was just the passenger---and the navigator, watching the GPS and the atlas.  

We never depend on just  the GPS.  I have the map in my lap.  How else do I know what the next destination might be.  The GPS lady likes the interstates.  We don't.  We cross/zigzag across the country.  

We left Kenedy TX about 8 o'clock, very early for us! :}  Kenedy is about half-way between San Antonio and Corpus Christi.  

The waltz across Texas today took us through Shulenburg, Rockdale, Palestine, Carthage, Marshall, Atlanta, and crossing into Arkansas at Texarkana.  

Ashdown is about 20 miles north of Texarkana.  We are testing a theory that rural Walmarts are built near or next to a railroad!  This is two nights in a row that we can hear the train whistle blowing.

We observed different growing areas today.  We started with prickly pear and mesquite fields, merging with blooming beautiful Texas bluebonnets.  The cacti and mesquite disappeared, replaced by blooming red bud and dogwood.  Farther north the trees are still bare.  

We left behind fields with no color, to pastures filled with cattle eating grass so green it nearly hurt the eyes.  We left behind areas of drought to creeks, ponds, and ditches filled with water, evidence of an abundance of rain.  

The Valley was filled with fields of cauliflower, cabbage, onions, sugar cane, cilantro, Swiss chard and orchards empty of fruit, but flowering for the next crop of oranges or grapefruit or lemons.  

We are only a few hours from the home of our daughter and her family.  We will arrive there by noon tomorrow.  I can only imagine how much those teenagers have grown in the past 3 and 1/2 months.  

My driver was tired tonight, and is already asleep.  He does a great job driving this long rig, watching for the other driver who is trying to sneak out in front of us so he won't have to drive behind us, or is driving so slow that traffic has to go around him or road construction vehicles/zones.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

3-23-2014 You Shoulda Been Here Yesterday (Kenedy TX WalMart)

Just like in fishing, birding volunteers tell us "you shoulda been here yesterday!"

We left Oleander Acres RV Park, Mission TX, and drove the 17 miles to Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge, Donna TX.

Two volunteers were there on the canal with their binoculars and scopes.  Skies were overcast, mist in the air, visibility limited.  They arrived at eight and had seen ONE hawk all morning.  We stayed about two hours and saw three more.  But, it was very interesting to us.  We watched and spied several birds in and on the trees/bushes/shrubs.

Of interest to us were lark sparrows, lesser goldfinch, couch/tropical kingbird, ladderback woodpecker.  Others seen were mockingbird, kiskadee, green jay, chachalacaa, cardinal, yellow-rumped warbler, common yellowthroat, Harris hawk.  There were more but that is all I am thinking of right now.  

Yesterday the hawk count was 2200.  Some days in the past have been 31000.  Today: 4....yes, four.  

I do want to mark the calendar for 2015.  I would enjoy very much participating for a couple of days or longer.

We headed north on Highway 281, going toward Alice and George West, eventually heading to the WalMart in Beeville.  But, when the navigator (me) hits the wrong WalMart on the GPS, we end up at Kenedy (one en) at the WalMart.  

The wind is blowing the rig and the driver (Glen) was ready to call it a day. 

 We will make a shopping trip inside WalMart to pay the camping fees (ha).  We are not the only RV here.  There are at least two other rigs.  This is one of those towns booming because of the drilling all around.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

3-22-2014 Hawk Watch

Canopy walkway between towers at Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge, Alamo, TX

Wild verbena in bloom at Santa Ana NWR.

Wooden fence around a cemetery (1700's) in Santa Ana NWR.  Squared posts made from ebony.
The two brown birds are "plain chachalaca's".  We saw these at Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park, Mission TX

This is a female orange crowned warbler, eating at the thistle buds.  Bentsen Rio Grande State Park.

As mentioned we visited Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park yesterday.

Today we toured Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge, Alamo, TX.  We rode the tram through the refuge.  The drivers were well informed.  We did not see many birds at all.  The lack of water is a problem in all of south Texas.

There is a "hawk watch" going on at Santa Ana NWR.  Volunteers are sitting on the banks of a canal to count the migrating hawks, falcons, kites, buteos and vultures.  There were big kettles (groups) of broad-winged hawks going through the skies today.  In two hours this morning approximately 500 broad-winged hawks had been counted.

The "hawk watch" started on March 15 and goes through April 15.

We are leaving here in the morning.  We are not in a hurry, so may go to Santa Ana and sit with the volunteer watchers/counters in the morning for a couple of hours.  We surely would learn lots.  

We ate tonight at a restaurant called "Mambo's".  On the menu was "gar fillets".  The menu suggested the gar be fried without flour for serving.  Several types of fish as well as differently-sized shrimp were displayed for the customer's choice.  The gar didn't call out to me!  This was a first for me----gar.  My gramps ate any fish he caught, but I don't remember him ever eating gar!

Friday, March 21, 2014

3-21-2014 On the Road again! I like being On the Road Again! (Oleander Acres RV Park, Mission TX)

It was good to be in the motor home, going south on Highway 83, heading to The Valley.

After parking at Oleander Acres RV Park this morning, we drove just three miles to "Bentsen Rio Grande State Park", Mission TX.  This state park is literally "for the birds".  No vehicles are allowed inside the park.  One enters by foot, bicycle, or electric tram. 

We rode our bikes through the park.  We knew it is late in the season, but thought we would see some birds.  There weren't very many in numbers or species.  

It was a great day for a bike ride.  Cloudy but warm.

Oleander Acres is an older park, but nice.  I am enjoying the many different flowering trees/shrubs, and the cacti garden.  

More birding is planned for tomorrow, or at least, looking for them.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

3-20-2014 Ready to Roll (Leaving Zapata)

It is the end of winter.
It is the first day of spring.
We are ready to roll.
All preparations made to leave Zapata in the morning.  Things have been stored.

But we are not heading north.
Rather we are heading south.  We are going to the Valley for two or three days.  We want to do some bike riding and birding.  Plans are to bike through Bentsen-Rio State Park, and ride the tram through Santa Ana Nat Park.

We have said our "good-byes" to most of the neighbors.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's adventures.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

3-19-2014 Preparations have begun.

I don't alway read the-day-before blog, but just did.  I apologize for the tiny print.  Don't know how it got changed.  Sorry.

It is time to begin thinking about leaving Zapata.  The next month is going to be beautiful here  The wildflowers are blooming; the grass is beginning to be green; trees are beginning to bloom; but.....

Missouri is going to be beautiful also.  At least I will assume the extreme winter didn't kill the dogwoods and red buds and other flowering shrubs and plants.

But, the biggest reason are the families we are missing.  As some of you know we are going to drive to Alaska this summer.  We need to get in some huggin' and kissin' with all of the grandkids, and their parents before heading "north to Alaska".  

We are slowly getting all of the things used during the winter season returned to their proper place, whether it will stay here in Texas or go back inside the motor home.  

Glen mowed the yard; it is mostly weeds and buffel grass but it looks better after the trim.  He used the power washer on the outside of the storage shed and cleaned the mower for summer storage.  

I have cleaned and rearranged the outside kitchen.  The (outside) refrigerator is empty except for some soda.  Spices and baking items have been moved back to the motor home.  Etc, Etc, Etc.  

I am not looking forward to telling our neighbors, La La and Luis, that live just west of us "good-bye".  I am not certain we will see them again.  Their age is showing; La La is using a cane.  Luis gets slower and slower each day.  I am not sure of their age.  Mid 80's maybe?

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

3-18-2014 Play Day

Play Day!  Even senior Winter Texans have a Play Day!

Friends....Cris and Jim, Glenda and Milton, Jerry and Shirley, David and ???....all on their motorcycles; Jim and Dee in their 2005 Crossfire Chrysler convertible, and us, in our not-cool pick up left Zapata about eleven this morning.

The first stop was at the small town of La Gloria, home of the "bloodless bull fights.  The season is over.  

Add caption
This is some of the young bulls.
The is the arena.  The motorcycles and convertible lined up for a photo op!  The pick up was not cool enough to be lined up!

Several of the other people had been to the bull fights in January, but we have never been.  

Taking the back farm-to-market roads we went to Los Ebanos, Texas, home of the hand-drawn ferry across the Rio Grande River.  

The ferry across the Rio Grande River.

The ferry was actually closed when we arrived but the officials let us walk to the river to view the ferry.

The day was gorgeous.  The wildflowers are beginning to blooms along the road and in the fields.  No pictures of them as it is not possible to photo from the moving truck.  We were last in line; if we stopped we would have been separated from the rest of the group.

Total miles today was 217.  

One more thing; Jim and Dee traded vehicles with us for about 40 miles or so.  Glen got to drive the convertible.  I enjoyed being the passenger.

Monday, March 17, 2014

3-17-2014 St. Paddy's Day

ST. Paddy's Day is coming to a close.  I even remembered to wear green when we went out tonight.

"DJ Jim", friend and neighbor, invited us to the American Legion tonight to listen to him play karaoke.  Several other neighbors from the neighborhood also were there.  The best part was it was in a No Smoking room.

There was a variety of talent singing to the music.  No prejudice here - - Glen was the best!  He did two songs just before we left.

Fred, friend from Oklahoma, called early this morning to say breakfast omelets were being prepared at their RV park, and we were invited to share.  We couldn't resist that invitation.

Fred and Gay finally got on the road about 10-10:30, I would guess.

Glen's morning task was finishing the prep for income tax papers being sent to the CPA.  The beautiful outdoors called before he was finished.  

That was okay, as he finished tasks outdoors.  We pretty much spent from noon onward outdoors.  

Glen is now working on the final section for the income tax preparation.

Do you remember the penalty for not wearing green on St. Patrick's Day?  Getting pinched!  Hope you didn't get pinched.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

3-16-2014 Migration North

At church this morning we learned that the migration north has begun....not just the birds of the sky, but the Winter Texans.

Fred and Gay, Oklahoma, are (maybe)leaving in the morning.  There was an inch of rain this morning.  It may be too muddy to get out of the site; and, it might be too windy.  Today's wind may have dried out the soil so it might not be too muddy.

Fred and Arlene, Michigan, are heading home via Arkansas and Iowa.  It will be a few weeks before they arrive in Michigan.

After lunch Fred said: "how about one more music session before we leave?"

At three Fred and Gay, Phil and Nancy, and Glen gathered at the rv park hall for an afternoon of gospel music.  There was another round of good-byes at the end of the music.

It surely is going to be lonely when everyone goes their separate ways.

I mentioned last evening that our high school alma mater basketball team was playing in the state finals last night.  Iberia ended the season 29-2, second in the state.  It was an awesome season, making parents, extended family, and community proud of their ability and sportsmanship.  What a great experience for everyone.

We awakened this morning to the sound of thunder and lightning, and rain hitting the roof.  The rain totalled one inch, about 1/10 of the year's total.  The spring wildflowers and cacti will be bursting into blooms soon.

Here's hoping you have had a great week end.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

3-15-2014 What an Awesome Team!

Second in the state is an awesome position.  Yes, our home high school team (Iberia, MO) played in the state finals tonight.  The team ended the season with a record of 29-2, finishing second in the state.  They lost to 31-0 Sacred Heart of Sedalia MO.

We watched the Zapata County Fair parade this morning; visited with neighbors after the parade, and had drop-in company later in the afternoon.

It has been a great day.  Pictures of the parade later.

Friday, March 14, 2014

3-14-2014 Spring is Finally Here

I do believe Spring is here to stay.  The days are beautiful with blue skies, plants are in bloom, no jackets are required.  

Zapata County Fair is this week end.  The date coincides with Spring Break.  Remember, it is too hot in summer for fair--or anything outdoors.

We drove around the fairgrounds tonight.  The amount of vehicles parked numbered in the thousands I would estimate.  Big crowd!.  We could see the long, long lines for the carnival rides.  

In the morning is the fair parade.  We have seen several of the parades, and will probably watch in the morning.

Our hometown--where we grew up and went to school--not where we retired--high school basketball team (Iberia MO) is playing tomorrow evening in the state finals.  By this time tomorrow they will either be first or second in the state.  My (great)nephew is a sophomore starter on the team.  It has been exciting to to keep up with the team.  Thanks to Facebook and my niece we have been able to see pictures and video highlights of the games.  

Thursday, March 13, 2014

3-13-2014 The last of the season Thursday night Jam Session

This winter season is slowly coming to a close.  Isn't everyone ready for the end of Winter!!

Tonight was the last of the Thursday night Jam Sessions'.  Fred and Gay are going home to Oklahoma Monday.  Boy, are we going to miss them!

Tonight Phil and Nancy from Colorado joined the session. 

Not only can Phil and Nancy sing, they are outstanding b-b-q chefs.  Their regular job in Colorado is bar-b-queing.  They have their own smoker, and their own serving table trailer.  

Tonight they furnished brisket, and ribs.  Oh, how delicious.  And, they make their own sauce (3 flavors) for the meat.  There was "pot luck" side dishes to go with the bar-b-que.  

Yesterday we went to Laredo for needed refills for meds.  Of course, there were a few other stops/errands.  Lunch was at Montana Mikes, a steak house.  

I am going to have some instruction on uploading or downloading - whichever is proper- from my phone to the blog.  I have a video from the jam session I would like to share with you.  

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

3-11-2014 It's The End

It's The End. The end of the season.  No more Tuesday night Jam Sessions.  

There were 15 performing on stage tonight.  We missed Evelyn.  

Several couples went to DQ for dessert/snack/reward!  What I had was delicious. (It was a Hawaiian blizzard; Glen had a pecan cluster blizzard.)

We washed and chamoised the truck this afternoon.  A wipe-down is necessary unless the dried white water spots don't bother you.  

We were on "watch" duty today for the UPS truck.  Glen ordered two air filters for the motorhome.  One to replace the current one and one for spare.  Sometimes we call him "spare parts' Glen".  They were delivered about 5:15 p.m.

It was a grand day to be outdoors.  A clear blue sky, very little wind, 85 degrees.  But, just wait until tomorrow.....68 degrees, north wind 25-30 mph.  

Monday, March 10, 2014

3-10-2014 Comfy Clothes

The day started with thunder, and rain.  Real rain drops, not just a mist.

We stayed in our "comfy clothes" (as the grandchildren say) until nearly noon.  

I baked a batch of lemon bars, using lemon juice from lemons just off the tree.  Oh, my goodness.  Delicious, says the chef.

Mid-afternoon Fred and Gay came over with their guitar and mandolin. We started with a game of hearts.  Gay didn't know how to play hearts so there were some practice hands to start.  I really like to play cards, or any game, so this was fun for me.

We had a break with some summer sausage, and cheese and crackers, finishing with the lemon bars.  

Glen, Gay, and Fred played and played and sang up "all those songs the driver knew" (Me and Bobby McGee) for nearly two and half hours.  Everyone is going to miss these times together.  

Evelyn and Gary, we missed you.  I made some copies for you, Evelyn, of new songs tonight.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

3-9-2014 Typical Sunday

Typical, yes.
   *lunch with church group
   *Sunday paper
   *Yah, a nap!
   *another Amazing Race

Not so typical, how...
   *rain, actual rain, drops and everything.  Just not very much of it!
   *high of 58 degrees at midnight.  During today only saw 48 degrees.

Travel northward has started.  Fred and Sally, from Michigan, are leaving in the morning.  They, however, are going south to the valley for several days before actually going north.  

We also talked with Del and Jean from the Upper Penisula of Michigan.  They said snow levels are to the edge of the roof of the house in Michigan.  

Saturday, March 8, 2014

3-8-2014 For Sunday Morning: Did you Remember to Spring Forward????

I realized mid morning today that I didn't "blog", write a report.

We went with friends to Salineno, a small village about 30 miles south of here to view some birds.  

Listen up, friends, to the north!  Spring migration has begun!  There weren't nearly as many varieties or numbers of birds as there was at our last visit.

The volunteer said she would be gone by March 20 as the birds would be gone by then. Please feel hope from those remarks.

Also...we saw purple martins.  In a normal spring they would make an appearance in Missouri around March 17.  

We explored a gravel road that led to the Lake from Highway 83.  Oh, my, there is an abundance of blooming yucca, as well as cat's claw, "wee-satch" (spelled phonetically).  

Today Glen worked at cleaning out/arranging things in the storage shed.  Next will be the bins in the motorhome.  There are items that need to be left here rather than travel to Alaska and back!  Make the load lighter.  

DON'T FORGET TO SPRING FORWARD! If you read this Sunday, it's too late to remind you.  Glen has already started changing clocks.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

3-6-2014 Winter Texan Appreciation Luncheon

The American Legion sponsored a "Winter Texan Appreciation" event today.

There was BINGO, a bar-b-que lunch, door prizes, and music to listen and dance to.

Note to Gary M: you should think about catering the lunch next year! There were approximately 250-300 people there. Lunch was a bar-b-que chicken leg/thigh, mustard-seasoned potato salad (yuck), chips, a piece of white bread, and a soda.  We think you could do lots better!

We didn't win any prizes.  

The entertainment was kar-e-oak-ee (spelling by sound) type music.  The singer was very good, though.  

Tonight we went to the neighboring RV park for a Jam Session with Fred and Gay.  Yes! we missed Evelyn!  The park owner is talking to Fred and Gay about doing this every Thursday night next season!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

3-5-2015 An Empty Spot

There's an empty spot, not only in the corner of the lot, but in our heart!

Gary and Evelyn left this morning.  We are going to miss them but fully understand why!  

I have mentioned that they have sold their home south of Kansas City while they were here.  That's the good news!  It just means they now have to empty their house.  They will have an auction the last Saturday in April.

We received word last night that a fellow member of the Dak To Defenders (1969 Viet Nam) 299th Combat Engineers, Army, passed away Sunday night.  The visitation was tonight just four hours away in Luling Texas.  We left after lunch and drove there.  Larry had gallently fought cancer for several months.
Glen Hickey (L), Capt. Jerry Holt, Larry Homann (R) 3-24-2012

These three Dak Do Defenders reunited at Larry's March 2012.  It was the first time Glen had seen Captain Holt since 1969.  

Larry and wife Frances had been to several reunions, and we had visited them at their home.  Larry told Glen at the first reunion they attended that "you, Glen, are the reason I am here.  I wanted to see you again." 

The reunions have allowed men--soldiers--comrades--brothers in action--to come together, renew friendships, put at rest some fears, terrors, memories.  It does "a heart good." 

It's been a long day.  

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

3-4-2014 PreDeparture Day

Evelyn and Gary have finished with PreDeparture details.  They have plans to leave "early" in the morning.  Hopefully the roads are thawed and cleared.

There was not a lot of outdoor activity today.  Late this afternoon the sun and blue sky appeared making the day much brighter.

We learned tonight that there is one more Tuesday night Jam Session.  The leader/organizer is preparing to return to Iowa.  

Several of the neighbors came by to say "good-bye and see you this fall" to Gary and Evelyn.  

Monday, March 3, 2014

3-3-2014 What a Difference a Day Makes

Let's talk about the weather.  It is what everyone is talking about.  
Heard in Zapata:

"I have been coming here for 27 winters and I have never seen a winter like this."

"This is our seventh winter here.  For sure this is the coldest winter."

"It's thundering.  I think I have only heard thunder two other times we have been here."

Sunday's high: 92 or 95 degrees, depending on which thermometer you looked at.

Monday morning's low: 41 degrees.  Monday's daytime high: 49 degrees.
North wind: 25 mph.  

That's over 50 degrees swing!  

I know. It is nothing compared to the rest of the Midwest.  I am talking about south Texas, where we come to for WARM weather.

  We have talked to family all over Missouri and in nw Arkansas.  No one had school.  Too much ice and snow, and no school tomorrow as the country/side roads are still slick.  

Since we couldn't do anything else, there was music, music, music.

The four of us went to Gay and Fred's fifth wheel.  There was music from two to six.  Then....

Everyone came to our motorhome for several games of 19-point pitch. 
We have to squeeze in all the fun we can as Gary and Evelyn are leaving early Wednesday morning. 

We are sitting here listening to thunder.  When company left at 10:30 there was mist in the air.  What a strange winter.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

3-2-2014 March Winds

We went by a couple of garage sales yesterday morning.  Of course we didn't buy a thing!  

The rest of the day  was spent sitting in the palapa, either watching basketball--Missouri Tigers won!--or reading.  It was a very restful day.

Saturday night we went to a fish dinner with friends Del and Jean.  Del always fishes in Canada each summer for northern pike and walleye.  This is scrumptious fish, right next to crappie and halibut!  We feel honored to share in this bounty.  Guess what?  Del doesn't even eat fish, he just likes to catch it! 

We have heard from various family members about the weather!  Everyone in Missouri/Arkansas is reporting sleet, freezing rain, snow, thunder and lightning.
The high here today was 92 degrees; tomorrow is forecast for 51 degrees.

The north wind just blew in at 25 comes the dropping temperatures.  *8:00 p.m.
I know any of the family/friends just mentioned would gladly trade their weather for 51 degrees.  

We had a large group from church gather at one of the local restaurants for lunch.  There were 20 of us.