Monday, December 31, 2012

How to Add a "COMMENT"

I am attempting to add a section entitled "comments" for you, the readers, to easily leave a comment on the daily entries.  This is to see if I have been successful.

Ok, just checked on the above published journal and a box labeled "comments" was not added. 

How to Add a comment to any blog.  At the bottom of the entry is a phrase entitled "no comments" .  Click on that phrase and a "comment box" pops up.  Make your comment, click on "Select a Profile", use "name" or "anonymous", then Click "Publish".  It really isn't complicated, just not clear as to where to make a comment.

Please leave a Happy New Year wish or your Resolutions in the Comment section.

Last Day of 2012

How long will it take for us (me) to get used to saying "twenty-thirteen" ? 

What did you do on the last day of the year?

My list includes..laundry, social time with the neighbors down the street, cards with the next-door neighbors--Gary and Evelyn.  I think Evelyn was the big winner tonight, playing Hearts. 

New Year's Eve is celebrated in the Mexican culture with lots of fireworks.  There has been sounds of fireworks all evening!  The fireworks will sound off until the midnight hour.

May your New Year be filled with blessings of good health for you and your family.  The older I get the more I realize "good health" should not be taken for granted. 

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Football Sunday

It has been a day for football. 

After church, and lunch with a group from church, it was naptime, of course.

We finished the afternoon with football.  We have no favorite teams anymore.  It's just watching for the pleasure.  Glen has teams he doesn't want to win.  St. Louis Rams used to be a team we followed, but that's no fun anymore! :}

Do you have plans for the last day of 2012?  Have a great time. 

Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Fun is Beginning (12-29-2012)

I talked to my brother who lives in south central Iowa this morning.  He reported the temperature at 8:30 a.m. at 11 degrees F with a wind chill of -7 degrees with snow on the ground.  He is doing carpenter work on a new construction house.  I say all this to say...

I appreciate the weather in south Texas!  :}  It was breezy and a high of 59 degrees today.  We put up the wind screens in the outdoor living space and turned on the propane heater so we could eat potato soup outdoors for lunch. 

We...Gary, Evelyn, Glen and I, played several games of cards--"Hearts".  We had a siesta time--we are in south Texas, remember, and played more cards.  Glen and Evelyn also had Music Time. 

Hope you are enjoying the last days of 2012.  Do you experience the sensation of the days flying by? 

Friday, December 28, 2012

Yea! Our Neighbors Have Arrived!

Evelyn and Gary arrived this afternoon about 4:30 p.m.  The fifth-wheel RV is parked, leveled, and hooked up to all utilities. 

We are happy to have them on the other half of our property!  Several of the neighbors welcomed them back to the neighborhood. 

We were concerned they hadn't had any Mexican food since they left here last March so took them to dinner at "The Steakhouse" where each couple shared a "Tampequena" plate (don't ask me to translate that).  There was one taco, one enchilada, and fajita meat as well as guacamole, re fried beans, rice, and tortilla on one plate for $6.99 with plenty for two to share.

The ole North Wind blew all day, making it a jacket day- at least for me.  Glen didn't need one. 

Have a great week end.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Quiet Days

The past two days have been quiet.

Glen has been working on building the final "wall" around the kitchen/utility room area in the outdoor living space.  The major construction is finished.  There is some caulking to be done, as well as a short run of electrical wire (when Gary gets here)!  Oops, haven't told Gary he has a job!

Speaking of Gary and Evelyn, they left Missouri this morning and made it to Palestine, Texas.  They will arrive here Friday afternoon.  We are looking forward to their company and not just because of Gary's electrical talents! ^^

Darin and Sarah stayed home yesterday (Wednesday) because of the snow, and power outage that affected them. They were without electricity about 12 hours but have a gas fireplace so were able to stay warm. The roads were bladed and they were able to go back to work today.  I think there is more stormy weather headed their way Friday and Saturday. 

Trisha and Jeff and boys have also been "enjoying" the snowfall at their home.  The boys have done lots of playing in the snow. 

We received our mail from our mail forwarding service yesterday.  THANKS for all the Christmas cards and letters.  We enjoy very much reading about you and your families and having photos of our families and friends.  We decided this year between this blog and Facebook there wasn't much news to share with you; we sent very few cards--to the aunties that don't have computers!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Eve and Day

Christmas Eve our neighbors to the west of us hosted a neighborhood gathering.  There were 25 present.  Our host/hostess prepared sloppy joes and the rest of us brought side dishes.  We had a great time.

Today, the same couple hosted eleven of us for lunch.  Jim and Dee, host/hostess, have an enclosed area, away from the wild winds, where we dined and visted.  Glen wore his favorite Christmas attire today which is denim shorts and a Hawaiian shirt.

Wild winds? you say.  Yes, up to 30mph.  There was sunshine and temperatures reached 83 degrees....but dropping to 34 degrees tonight with a high of 59 degrees tomorrow. 

I know, I know.... nothing like our children are experiencing.  Our daughter, living near Ft. Smith, AR, reports snow has started there with totals expected to near 10 inches.  Our son, in Cape Girardeau, MO, says the minimum snowfall expected is 12 inches and may reach 24 inches. 

The expected weather through Arkansas/Oklahoma prevented Evelyn and Gary from leaving their home south of KCMO, heading to Zapata. 

We SKYPE'd with our youngest two grandchildren this morning.  We were able to see the presents, and "chat" with all of their family.  The two oldest grandsons were too busy to SKYPE, but did talk to them on the phone. 

We hope you have had a great day with your family and/or friends. 

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Labor of Love

At least, I think Glen is "loving" the work! 

He (Glen) spent most of the morning working on a plumbing leak!  There was no digging involved.  The leak was located at one of the connections of the water softener.  After three--or four---trips to the local hardware store, it was fixed. 

This afternoon Glen worked more on building the longes/tallest wall around the new room...around the washer/dryer, stove, refrigerator.  Most of the work is done on that wall.

Glen is doing a great job.  He is so talented!

I mostly observe Glen working!  :} I hand him the hammer or drill if he is on the ladder, or find the level, or hold one end of the board while he saws. 

Hope your week-end is going great!  Santa is getting ready for the Big Trip!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Wind Event

there is one more sheet of tin to attach in this pic.

This was yesterday's project.  The area below the shelf and behind the washer/dryer was already "tinned" in.  Glen added the area above the w/d and behind the stove.  I helped a little by holding the sheets of tin while he attached them.

When we leave this area this will be a four-sided room.  The other two sides will be "portable".  We can use the open-concept and then when departing, it will be closed up for safety.  This enclosure helps keep out some of the dust and twice-a-year rains. 

There is dust in the air all of the time.  If one wanted to, one could dust every day even in the motorhome! :}

We put all tools and everything else the shop or in bins of mh, in anticipation of the Wind Event today.  The wind arrived to the tune of 25-30 mph, with temps 30 degrees cooler than yesterday.

I am NOT complaining, though, as I have seen pictures from central Iowa, and heard about blizzard conditions in the Kansas City MO area. 

This has been a great day to be indoors--mostly reading.  Glen finished the new John Grisham book.  I read a book that was on the Kindle. 

I hope you are warm and safe.  If you were in Missouri, you would be stocked up on bread, milk, deli meats, and snacks, ready to be snowed in for a few days. 

I have forgotten if I have mentioned how low Falcon Lake is.  It is 35+feet below pool level.  It barely looks like a lake; just water in the river channel. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

If It's Tuesday, It Must Be.... (12-18-12)

It's Tuesday.  "Jam Sessions" have begun.  There were 7 musicians on stage tonight.  Glen had a fun time.  There weren't many in the audience.  Conversations indicate there will be more people around after Christmas.

A bank thermometer in town showed "89 degrees" this afternoon.  It has been very comfortable to be outdoors.  Glen is still working on some construction projects. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Warning: Hacked/Spammed Again

Warning:  our email account has been hacked and is sending out spam.  It usually says "read this link".  We have not sent this.  SORRY.

I have changed our password for email.  Hopefully this prevents or at least slows someone down.  I don't understand why someone would get enjoyment from this type of action.  If there are other actions for me to take, let me know.

If you get an email from us, the subject line will be specific about the email's content.  This is the second time in 4-6 weeks this has happened.  I will say "sorry" again.

It has been a gorgeous day.  Sunshine, light breeze, high of 82 degrees.  We literally have been outdoors from 9:30 this morning until 7 this evening when the mosquitoes came out to play. We have never been bothered before by mosquitoes but guess the warm weather is pleasing to the insect population.

I baked cupcake-sized cheesecakes this morning, and after that we were outdoors.  The cheesecakes were a hit at the exchange this evening.

About 12 of us gathered this afternoon for the celebration of a birthday.  The birthday is just an excuse to get together! :}  The hostess prepared 7-layer dip, bar-b-qued little smokies, chips, then angel food cake and homemade ice cream for dessert! 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Another Fun Sunday

Worship service at church ended today with a potluck lunch in the fellowship hall.  The serving tables were filled with turkey, gravy, two kinds of dressing (it wasn't IN the turkey) and lots of side dishes.  I prepared oyster dressing, and most of it was gone at the end of the meal--always a good sign.

We left church and immediately went to the County Historical Museum.  We purchased our tickets and a map for the house tour.  It was the same two homes as last year, but still a fun afternoon.

The first home is owned by a retired educator.  They are world travelers.  Each of the 15 trees in the home are decorated with items from different countries. 

Above: items from Holy Land on this tree

Above: I think this was the Russian tree

These beautiful horses were in the pasture next to the parking area.

Above: Just a few of the village collections on display at the second house.  Can you imagine how long it takes to "put up" and then "take down"?

Each of the host/hostess shared that they themselves do all of the decorating. 

Each home served the most delicious "snacks".  The first home had 'homemade tamales", Mexican almonds, cookies, etc. 

All of that fun just wore us out!  We came home, got into "comfy" clothes, and rested. 

Hope you have had a  great week end.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

What Were We Thinking?

Oh, my! We went to Walmart and HEB** and Lowe's and Discount Tires today...on a Saturday, ten days before Christmas. 

Yes, the parking lots were full, and the streets congested, but we toughed it out!

There were a few things we needed for tomorrow and Monday that couldn't be found here in Zapata.

Tomorrow there is a pot-luck luncheon after worship service.  I signed up for "dressing" to go with turkey.  I couldn't find Pepperidge herbed stuffing at the local supermarket. I am going to bake it before church, then put it in the crock pot on "warm" until lunch time.  Hope that works!

Monday night is the cookie exchange at church.  I am choosing to make individual cheesecakes, made in a cupcake/muffin tin.  I want to use the new stove. :}   However I didn't have muffin tins here in the motor home, so bought new ones at Walmart. 

**HEB...what is this? you might be asking.  A south Texas chain of supermarkets; think Kroger or Gerbes or Schnuks in the mid west.  The super Walmart in Laredo didn't have dressing mix either...but HEB did!

"Lin's", a Chinese buffet, was chosen for lunch.  It was just "okay", not enough to say "wow, let's eat here next trip."

What did you do today, just ten days before Christmas? 

Friday, December 14, 2012

Now We're Cooking!

The project for the day: run wiring to the permanent site for the stove.

Project: complete.

Glen worked several hours on the wiring...from the breaker box to the other end of the outdoor living space. 

The stove is now ready for cooking or baking, whichever comes first. 

When the refrigerator is put in its permanent site, I will take pictures.  Won't that be exciting!

I love my Kendle Fire, but mostly I download free or bargain books, which are great to read.  Those books are, however, are authored by lesser-known people.  Today I went to the library and checked out five books by some of my favorite authors.

I read John Grisham's newest book, "The Racketeer", which is one of his better books, in between holding wires or conduit for Glen.

Have a great week end.  Got your shopping done? gifts wrapped? 

It has been a few slow days!

I was pulling up the covers in bed last night when I realized I hadn't "blogged", then I realized there wasn't much to blog about.

Glen has been preparing for the big delivery from Lowe's.  What is it? 

Yesterday Lowe's delivered....a refrigerator and stove for the outdoor kitchen.  There is some wiring to be done/changed since we are locating them in an area without plug in-s. 

I have been the assistant.  Glen says "Gayla, I need your help.  Hold this board right here."  So I do.  Sometimes I say, "oops, it slipped!"  Then we start over. 

With a stove on the premises I can now bake brownies and expect them to get done in the middle.  Or stuffing/dressing.  Sunday there is a potluck meal after worship service.  I signed up to bring dressing (cooked outside the turkey). 

There are a few things that do not cook properly in the convection oven in the motorhome. 

We are now ready for the jam sessions and social gatherings we love so much that we host in our outdoor living space.

I haven't mentioned that it is drizzling this morning and 65 degrees.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Start

It is Tuesday.  The start of attending "jam session" on Tuesday nights.

Tonight Glen was part of the audience.  Next week he will take his song books and be on stage, singing. 

There were nine performers on stage tonight.  Audience count was down--less than 40.  I assume there will be more attending after Christmas. 

A neighbor called about noon today, asking if we had jumper cables, and if we did, would we come to the bakery to jump the battery in their pick up.   Yes! we do have jumper cables, and yes, we did go to the bakery to jump the battery in their pick up. 

All in all, a quiet day.  I did put away a few things that had been in the back of the pick up.  Gen worked on an electrical project.  More about that later. 

Just two more weeks until Christmas. 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Back Up Sleigh

This is Santa's back up sleigh!  It was seen in the WalMart parking lot in Laredo,Texas, this afternoon! 

I can't think of another thing to say about this!

The "cold" front roared into south Texas overnight on 30 mph winds!  The low was 50 this morning with a high of 66---after the winds died down, and the sun came out.

It was too cold to be outdoors this morning so we went to Laredo.  Glen had a list for Lowe's.  He bought a fiberglass step ladder which is always needed around here.

Another stop was at Discount Tire.  Back in July in Asheville NC Glen bought four new tires for the pick-up.  It was time for a "tire rotation".  That was done most professionally and efficiently. 

The last stop of the day was...guess.....Walmart.  You knew, didn't you.  We had a grocery list. 

Tonight we watched the TIVOed final episode of "Amazing Race".  Wow, it wasn't who I thought it would be.  The "underdogs" won; a team who had never won another leg of the race.  It goes to prove the old saying "never give up!"

Tomorrow the plan is to work outdoors---carry out and stack the trimmed limbs to the curb.  I have mentioned before that the county provides pick up for all yard trimmings, including tree limbs. 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

One More Picture

Some this picture of one of my favorite birds here in south Texas just doesn't go with pictures of historical San Ygnacio. 

This is the Vermillion Flycatcher.  His wife is pink where he is the brilliant vermillion.  We see them daily sitting on the electric line or yard fence darting off into the air, catching some small insect out of mid-air.

Step Back in History

North of Zapata 15 miles or 30 miles south of Laredo is the historical village of San Ygnacio. 

San Ygacio is the oldest townsite of Zapata county.  The town was established in 1830.  The old homes offer "visitors an up-close look at the early Spanish construction..." Many of the homes are built of 18-inch thick sandstone blaock, and feature their original mesquite and cypress lintels, doors, and fenestration. One of the homes has 27-inch walls. 

One of the most interesting sturctures in San Ygnacio is the Jesus Trevino Fort complex which is built in the early 1800's.  Early settlers found shelter from Indian raids in the fort. 

The roof(s) and some floors of the historical buildings was made of 12" of chipichil.  Chipichil is many layers of pressed caleche, a local lime 'gravel', which when becomes like concrete. 

Today San Ygnacio hosted an tour of nine of the buildings.

The tour opened with a tamale lunch served at the cafeteria of the elementary school.  The tamales were served with seasoned rice and beans, and was delicious!

 The Arturo L. Benavides Elemntary School which hosted the tamale lunch.  Notice the limestone used in the architecture of the school

 Glen inside the Uribe (1870) home.  Notice the petrified wood above the door.
Gayla admiring a 1931 Ford parked in front of the Uribe home.

 Mural on a courtyard wall at the Don Manuel Maria Uribe Home, 1873
 The dining room of the 1873 Home.  This home is currently a private residence.
 The opulent bedroom .
 Gayla, checking out one of the sofas in the Uribe home.
A "living fence", planted prickly pear cacti.

(On the Left) More petrified wood inside the Nuestra Senora Del Refugio Catholic Church.  Construction of this building was completed in 1875. 

It was a great afternoon, walking the streets that settlers walked on 182 years ago. 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

More Work 12-8-2012

Warning: reading this may cause tiredness!

We worked today on getting the back of the pick up unloaded/emptied.  Only reached the half-way point today.

Sometime over the summer we found two big storage boxes for sale at Big Lots.  We decided they would be used at our winter home.  Glen opened the first box; aw-oh, no instructions.   Thankfully the second box contained instructions.  He got them assembled and after moving them to several locations in the outdoor living space, I finally decided where they would be most useful and look good.!! :}

Glen also assembled the glass-topped table for the outdoor space.  Ready for company now.

Sometime mid-morning we drove to a nearby RV park where there was a "garage sale" going on.  The only thing that interested us was tomato plants.  We bought two "early boys", which is supposed to be ready to eat in 52 days.  Now, if only, the plants know how to read and will grow, blossom, produce fruit and ripen before we leave!

About one we walked next door.  Jim and Dee, originally from Wisconsin, invited a few of us over for coffee to celebrate Glenda's birthday (today).  Glenda and Milton are from Nebraska and has been here since the end of October. 

The day ended with one more job....washing the pick up truck.  It was filthy, we could hardly see out the windows.  The outside is all shiny and sparkly.  It is now fit to drive to church tomorrow.   Next week we will work on emptying the rest of the back and wash out that area. 

Stay tuned for a planned activity tomorrow afternoon.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Oh, My Aching Back...Or...More Settling In (12-7-2012

Today's big task was re-positioning the motorhome.

Wednesday night when we came in we did not want to back in, and wake the entire neighborhood.  When in reverse the mh sounds a LOUD back-up signal.  

This morning we worked first at washing the motorhome, scrubbing off many thousands of miles of road grime and dust from gravel roads.

After the bath Glen drove the mh into the street and parked it at the side while we scrubbed the concrete parking pad.  Hence...oh, my aching back!  Glen then backed the mh onto the concrete, headed in the right direction.....forward facing the street. 

This allows us to observe the birds at the feeders out the driver's side windows when we are indoors. 

Days like yesterday and today we are outdoors as much as possible. 

All day yesterday a golden-fronted woodpecker quarreled at us, waiting for some oranges or suet.  Today we hung suet cakes, filled a shallow dish with grape jelly, and halved some oranges.  The woodpecker was the first to find the goodies.  We saw  yellow-rumped warblers, cardinal, mockingbird, curved-bill thrasher, cactus wren in the tree. 

Mid-morning we were asked to go into town by a neighbor to witness some legal documents.  We were honored to do so. 

It has been a good day in the 'hood!

65 degrees--low; 85 degree-high!

Can't Believe I Forgot

Thursday...written Friday morning

We were so intent on an end to the day at nine last night that I forgot to post here. 

The fourteen hours of driving on Wednesday had caught up with Glen.  He did work at trimming some trees so the mh could be parked correctly; hooked up the washer and dryer.  It took only one trip to the hardware store to get that done.

We brushed and washed all of the concrete under the outdoor living space. 

We have been pleasantly surprised to see that all of the streets around us have been paved.  The crews are now working on pouring concrete driveways to all of the homes that do not have driveways.  We already have concrete driveways. 

The road crews are working across the street so we have entertainment doesn't take much to entertain us!

Several of the neighbors welcomed us back to the 'hood yesterday.  

I called my mother to say I just had to rub it in.  I could hear her smiling.  I told her it was 80 degrees in the shade!  I didn't tell her the sunshine warmed up the mh to 98 degrees so had to turn on the air conditioning!

Today will bring more settling in for the winter!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

We made It!

Fourteen hours on the road today!  I know, way too many, but we were anxious to get to Zapata...and we made it.

We are pulled onto the concrete pad, electricity connected, leveled, and I have had a quick look-around.

At first glance, it is obvious the mesquite trees have GROWN.  When we left last spring, there was more-than-enough room to walk under all of the limbs.  Not Now!  In some place the limbs are nearly reaching the ground.

Second glance shows there is very little buffle grass left in the yard. Dry and dusty.

Third glance, the streets to east and north have been paved!  Hurray, no more dust from the roads!

More, more, more tomorrow. 

One more night of isolation due to the radioactive iodine pill. 

Good night to all!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Do I Glow in the Dark?

It was "up and at 'em" this morning, out the door at 7:15. 

We registered and visited with the doctor at 8-ish.  Come back at 9:30 for your pill.

I was glad to hear it was a pill, and not liquid.  I am virtually isolated for two days.  Can't hug, kiss, or be around people for that time period.

I rode in the bedroom from Columbia to south of Ft. Smith, where our daughter lives.  It actually was easy riding back there.  I am sure it was harder on Glen with no one to keep him company. 

Trisha had a delicious taco soup ready for dinner with birthday cake for dessert.  Glen blew out all the candles so guess his wish will come true. 

Glen is visiting with the family, and I am catching up on all things computer. 

We will be on the road early in the morning, southbound and down.

Monday, December 3, 2012


Today is Glen's birthday.  Happy Birthday to my best friend and the best, most wonderful husband!

Glen has had phone calls, emails, and Face book wishes from friends and family, and says "Thanks" to all.  The wishes made his day brighter.

We dined at Cheddar's for Glen's birthday lunch. 

We entered the address for the Univ of Missouri Hospital into the GPS and located the hospital entrance and where I will register in the morning. 

We made a stop at Walmart, filling the cupboard for traveling.

We can hear rain hitting the roof. 

It is time to set the alarm. 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

A slow, quiet Week end 12-2-2012

It has been quiet on the homefront!

Saturday we went exploring for "Eagle Bluffs State Conservation Area", 4,43l acres purchased to offset the loss of nearly 90 percent of Missouri's historical wetlands.

The wetlands are 99 percent dry.  There was one pool with a few hundred waterfowl.  Evidence of the drought is everywhere.  We have seen several dry ponds, also.  Most conversations get around to "how badly rain is needed". 

Today Glen grilled outdoors for lunch, and it was nice enough to eat outdoors.  What December weather! The high today was 72 degrees.

Hope you had a great week end.