Sunday, March 31, 2013

3-31-13 Resurrection Sunday

We attended Sunrise Service this morning at 7:30 a.m.  Glen led the congregational singing and closed the service by singing "Ten Thousand Angels".  

There was time before lunch to get the rest of the prep work finished.  All that is left for morning is the normal get-on-the-road stuff....disconnect water, electric, sewer; hook up the truck....and get on the road.

Del and Jean invited us to lunch at 2 p.m.  Del fried northern pike that he had caught in Canada.  Jean had all the side dishes prepared.  It was a great meal with great friends.  

At six we walked next door to Dee and Jim's for dessert and time with Milton/Glenda-will return to Nebraska in a month; Freda/Dale-live here year-around; Gilbert/Joyce-live here year around; Bennie/Terry-will go to Colorado in a month.  Dee and Jim will leave in a month for a summer-long tour of the western states.  

Monette, who lives about four blocks from here, stopped this afternoon with a tin of homemade chocolate chip cookies.  I have already sampled and and said "delicious!".  She brought Glen a mug for hot tea or milk for dunking the cookies.   We watched thunderheads build just before sunset.  The thunderheads dissolved into heat lightning all around.  I would bet there won't be rain, but I am willing to be pleasantly surprised.  

It is to start singing "On the Road Again!"  

Saturday, March 30, 2013

3-30-13 Saturday Stuff

Just to get back in the routine of doing this most nights, I will finish out the day with a short description of today's activities.

Glen's big project for the day was to drain the fresh water tank, refill and sanitize with bleach, let sit for four hours, run the sanitized water through the pipes and out the faucets, drain again, and refill.  The fresh water is now just that....fresh!  After sitting for four months and in some hot temps it is a job that needs to be done!

While waiting for the four hours to pass Glen also cleaned out the hot water tank.  Sure enough there was built-up calcium.  It is now cleaned out.  

Also during those four hours we washed the pick-up.  At least it will start the trip north all clean and shiny.  The forecast looks like at some point about Arkansas there will be rain to drive through, but that's okay.  It has been a long time since we have had to think about rain.

In between everything else I am just a few pages from completing Book Three of the trilogy the librarian recommended.  I will be ready to put them all in the drop box at the library tomorrow!

We are going to sunrise service in the morning, which starts at 7:30.  Attending sunrise service is a favorite Easter memory from my childhood.  Being outdoors with the sun rising at the same hour our resurrected Lord arose "up from the grave" is great reminder of what happened that long-ago morning.  

We wish you the real meaning of Easter--not the Easter Bunny, but

"up from grave He arose, with a mighty triumph o'er His foes,
He arose a victor from the dark domain, and He lives forever with His saints to reign."

3-30-13 Thursday, Friday? What Happened?

Thursday night, I crawled into bed with a book (more about that later) and about eleven I had the thought "oh, I didn't work on the blog.  I will do it tomorrow."

Friday night, I crawled into bed with a book and about eleven I had the thought "oh, I can't believe I didn't work on the blog."

First, you haven't missed much.  We are slowly doing the prep work for getting back on the road after four months in one place.  I must say these four months have flown by.  Oh my.

I went to the library Tuesday.  The librarian says "have you read this series?  I think you will like them."  Of course I would like them.  Now I am trying to get them read before we leave Monday morning.  Thus the reading late into the night.

Thursday was spent in taking down, clearing out the Outdoor Living Space.  I will do one or two loads of laundry Sunday afternoon and then close up the new "kitchen".  

Glen climbed to the roof of the motor home and scrubbed the four months' worth of dust away.  The dust is now down the tube!

I have discovered that the non-prescription readers I have using for the past ten years or so is no longer strong enough.  Needing new ones was a good enough excuse to go to Laredo!  We really like the readers we buy at Sam's.  We discovered that there was bifocal sunglasses also for sale.  These are great for looking at a map or the GPS.  

Of course while we were in Laredo we went to Red Lobster, using the "buy one entree, get the second half off" coupon for the Lobsterfest meals.  We weren't disappointed.  It was delicious.  Of course the portions were huge.  We each brought the large half of our entrees home.  We have one meal from the leftovers, and there's enough for one more meal.  That makes cost even better!

Yesterday morning I met Dee and Glenda to check out the yard sales.  We each spent $1 or less. 
When I got home from the yard sale tour Glen had finished washing the motor home   He washed the entire mh by himself!  The mh definitely looks better!

This is a Bullock's oriole that has been at the feeder the past few days.  

He is a beauty.  He has tried all of the feeders...grape jelly, sugar water, suet.  He was here again this morning.  This is the fourth kind of oriole we have had at the feeders.

Hope you are enjoying the Easter week end.

Sorry for being negligent in the daily writings.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

3-27-13 Still No Hurry to Head North.

I talked to my sister in central Missouri this afternoon.  She said there is still snow on the ground!  She also said "don't be in a hurry to get here!"  Night-time temperatures is what is worrisome; we don't want pipes or hoses freezing!

We kept busy doing " a little of this and little of that". 

Glen mowed the yard, mostly weeds, across the street from us.  This location is where our neighbor passed away last month.  It was looking ragged, definitely looks better now.  I really don't know how anything is growing.  There has been NO precipitation at all since the first week of January.  

We ate lunch with Jim and Cris, who are heading back to Camdenton Mo tomorrow.

We watched the movie "Lincoln" this afternoon.  Friends Jim and Dee loaned it to us.  "Lincoln" concentrates on the 3-4 months prior to Lincoln's assignation.  I think we understood the movie better since we had just read  the book "Killing Lincoln". 

Take care.  The month of March is dwindling down to a precious few days.  

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

3-26-13 Tradition Continues

I am getting suspicious Glen is ready to be on the road!  He has been in one spot for as long as he can stand!

Glen has slowly started putting "things" away!  When questioned he replied he just didn't want to have to be in a hurry!  

The Outdoor Living Space is about empty!  He is finding space for everything to spend the long, hot summer time.  

It's Tuesday, which means it is Blizzard night.  Glen said about nine "should we go get a Blizzard?"   which really meant "let's go get a Blizzard!"  We did.  It is still bargain time--buy one get the second one for 99-cents.

Monday, March 25, 2013

3-25-13 Day 4, Sh-h, Accountant hard at work!

There was a lot accomplished today.

Glen finished  the income tax today!  Hurray, that job is done.  E-filing has simplified that job so very much.

Day Four of the B.A.S.S. Elite Tournament was postponed yesterday due to high winds.  The top 12 fished today.  We watched the weigh-in and the announcement of the winner. 

 In fact, drumroll, please, I was a volunteer at the weigh-in.  Someone was needed to hold a clipboard, get the angeler's initial in the proper box, and hand each one a receipt ticket with their name and total weight.  Pick me, pick me! I was chosen.  It was great fun being there at the edge of the platform, watching the fish being weighed, and the announcement of the total weight.

 The leader board at the beginning of Day 4 (today Monday)
The leader board at the end of the weigh in this afternoon
 Rick Clunn, from Ava, MO, finished in second place.
 Keith Combs, first place, with two of his big fish.
 Gayla and Rick Clunn (from Ava MO)-the second place winner.

Keith Combs, the first place winner of $100,000. and Glen.  Notice the big trophy.

Later in the day, Monette, the new owner of the property across the street where neighbor Bob Leach lived prior to passing away, was cleaning out the home.  Dee (another neighbor), Glen and I helped Monette with loading trash, refrigerator items, etc.   

Saturday, March 23, 2013

3-23-13 Tribute

Glen and I attended a funeral this morning at FBC.  

The children and grandchildren spoke such loving tributes to Mr. Hatfield.  Every person can only hope to have loving and kind words spoken at the end of their life.  

We then stayed to assist with the family meal that was served after the visit to the cemetery.  

It is interesting to we "northern" visitors the differences in the food culture.  Today's meal was smoked brisket--the best ever, Charo beans--fancy, well-seasoned pinto beans, and Mexican rice.  There was also potato salad, pasta salad, and various salads and desserts.  

Let me describe the Charo beans.  Dried pinto beans were soaked overnight, then seasoned with onion, tomato, cilantro, jalapeno, and bacon, and cooked until the beans are tender.  They were delicious!

We chose not to go to the weigh-in for Day 3 of the bass tournament as it was 104 degrees when we finished at the church.  Tomorrow is the final day, temperatures are to be 20 degrees cooler, so will probably watch the final 12 weigh in.  

Hope you are having a good week end.  I am hearing "snow", "accumulations",
"cold" come from the Missouri area.  Br-r-r....

Friday, March 22, 2013

3-22-2013 Yard Sales and More Fishing Tournament

I joined three neighbors this morning to go to some yard sales.  I must admit I am not usually a big yard sale-er because I usually don't find anything but these ladies are experienced and know where the sales are.

Dee, the driver, was on the look out for glass beads/jewelry.  She makes zipper pulls.  Glenda bought three pair of new tennis shoes; I bought two watches for 25-cents plus a Texas Wildflower ID book for 50-cents.  I was the last of the big spenders!!

This afternoon we attended the afternoon weigh-in of Day Two of the B.A.S.S Elite fishing tournament.  We learned today that all 100 fishermen fish the first two days.  Day 3 the top 50 fish.  Day 4 the top 12 fish.  

The fisherman who weighed the top five yesterday had the top 5 today for a two day total of 62 pounds 6 ounces.  The big bass today was 11 pounds 13 ounces.  Here are a few pictures showing the sponsored pick-ups that pull the sponsored boats.  The boats were out on the water.  

 The Angler of the Year wins the above boat.

Below are some of the big bass caught today.

 I think this is the big bass or second big bass of the day--10 pounds 13 ounces.  There might have been one weighed after this that hit over 11 pounds.  It is hard to remember ALL of the details.
These five were the winning total weight for today.  These five weighed 34 pounds 13 ounces.  The same fisherman had yesterday winning total, also.  His two-day total 62 pounds 6 ounces.

This is more than sport fishing.  These anglers make a living doing all of this fishing.  It is a nomadic life.  The next tournament is next week end at Bull Shoals Lake in SW Missouri.

Between going to yard sales and watching fish I baked a cake to take to a funeral lunch in the morning.  Tonight we went to visitation for a gentleman from First Baptist Church here in Zapata .

Thursday, March 21, 2013

3-21-13 Big Fish and Karaoke

Now that's an intriguing title, isn't it?

A big fishing tournament started here today on Falcon Lake.  The Bassmaster's Elite group of 100 fishermen are here.  The tourney will end Sunday.

We watched the weigh in this afternoon.  I have to preface the report by saying that all winter the fishing has been "tough"; lots of days of catching no fish, etc.  Lots of reasons  being given.  The most popular reason is low water.  The lake level is about 25 feet below normal pool.

Today we watched most fishermen bring in 5 fish, which is the limit for each day.  The high total was 34 pounds 13 ounces for 5 fish.  Two fishermen tied for "big bass" of the day--9 pounds.  

Tomorrow all 100 can fish again.  Saturday there is a cut-off point, and Sunday the top ten fishermen are the only ones to go out.  

The tourney is a big deal here in Zapata.  Think motel rooms, rv park site rentals, restaurants, fuel, etc.  The 100 fishermen are not here alone; they have support teams and sponsors, and family members.  Plus the fishermen came in Sunday or Monday to "pre-fish"; that is find out where they want to fish during the tourney.

Tonight Jim and Cris, neighbors, hosted an evening of karaoke   There were about 30 present, with about ten different people actually singing.  Like most things, there were some that weren't very good, and some that were very good.  In my most prejudiced opinion Glen was the best there! 

This week is "spring break" for Trisha and her family.  Monday their family pulled their rv trailer as well as a trailer loaded with 4-wheelers to a park and 4-wheeler trails.  

Tuesday afternoon Trisha and Tanner had a wreck when the four-wheeler they were on turned over backward as they were going up a hill.  Tanner ended up with some bruises and sore spots.  Trisha, on the other hand, has more serious injuries.  Her left leg is banged up!  She saw an orthopedic doctor today.  Initial x-rays indicate a pulled hamstring (instead of a banged up knee), and/or a break in the femur.  There will be a MRI next week after swelling goes down.  For sure she will be off work for two weeks, and maybe longer, depending on what the MRI shows.  There may be a cast and/or surgery depending on what the MRI shows.  

Her dad and I are grateful that injuries did not involve the neck or head!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

3-20-13 A great Beginning to the Day

Friends and neighbors, one block over, Jim and Dee. hosted a "Getting Ready to Leave" breakfast this morning.  There were 15 present for pancakes, waffles, scrambled eggs, sausage, ham, fresh fruit, juice and coffee.  It all was delicious, somehow made even  better by the company around us.  

Of the 15 present three stay year-around!  One other couple who were gone for breakfast but came in later, also stay year 'round.  Departures will start this Saturday and end the first of May!

It was such a good time that most everyone hung around until one o'clock...not eating all that time, but telling tall tales and exchanging stories!!

We awakened to moisture on the windows.  I am not sure there was ever enough moisture to make the concrete wet!  It was cloudy all day, with a north wind, but still pleasant.

This afternoon, Jim and Dee, breakfast hosts, came here and watched one of our informational "visit Alaska" videos.  They are working toward a trip to Alaska the summer of 2014.  Right now, a return trip to Alaska in 2014 is also in our plans.  Planning starts early!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

3-19-2013 The Curtain Closes

And the curtain closes!

Tonight was the last night of this season's Jam Session.  There were nine performers and about 30 in the audience.

Obviously several Winter Texans have headed north!

Ten of the Jammers+spouses enjoyed the "special" at Dairy Queen!  You do know about the one Blizzard, get the second for 99-cents!

We said our "good-byes" and exchanged hugs with Fred and Gay tonight.  They will be heading to Oklahoma early in the morning!  

Our travels have allowed us to meet people from many different locations.  In some instances there is an instant connection and life-long friendships are started and kept.  We cherish all these friendships.

Highs today were in the mid-90's.  It was perfect to sit outdoors and read, or watch Glen work!  The gentle breeze kept the temperatures feeling mild.

Monday, March 18, 2013

March 18, 2013 Sign of Spring

"Monday, Monday! "  Who did that song?  The Carpenters?

Wow, winter is over here.  Neighbor reported 106 degrees; we saw 101 on the truck thermometer.  Our portable weather station that USED TO record daily low/high temps is no longer functioning.  I am also skeptical of the "current" temps it shows.

We were invited to join a group of neighbors in Laredo for lunch.  As we needed to check on a prescription at Walmart we accepted the invitation.  We met at the Sirloin Stockade; senior lunch buffet on Monday/Tuesdays is 5.99 including drink per person.

The food was okay; not the best nor the worst we have had.  Not bad for the price!

Tonight Fred and Gay came over for music and conversation.  They are going to Oklahoma early Wednesday morning.  We will miss them.  It is going to be quiet around here!

Another sign of spring--we saw a scissor tail flycatcher ( a bird with a very long tail) sitting on an electrical line this afternoon.  

Take care.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

3-16-2013 Saturday At the Corner of Full and Miserable!

Oh, my full tummy!  Del and Jean, friends here in Zapata, newlyweds at the age of 87 and now married one year, invited us over for a fish fry in the late afternoon.

Del and Jean go to Canada a couple of times each summer for fishing.  This afternoon they shared the bounty.  Del fried northern pike and walleye.  Jean supplied the side dishes.  

With halibut being my all-time favorite fish, walleye is my second favorite.  Sorry, crappie and catfish!  Of course crappie and catfish are more readily available!  ;}

Fred and Gay and their son-in-law, Don, were also guests. There was also entertainment after the meal.  With Del on the harmonica and Gay on the mandolin and Fred on the guitar, there was some good music happening!

Glen washed and polished the pick up this afternoon. Now we can see out the windows.  The winds often whip up and blow around lots of dust which settles on everything.  

Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 13/14, 2013 Mixed Emotions and Full House

Wow, just realized I didn't post last night.  Sorry.

The day (Wednesday) started with mixed emotions

 Good news? Bad news? 

Bad news--Gary and Evelyn left.  Sad for us.  Good news--they were anxious to be home.  We understand.  

They were on the road by eight which was their goal.  I know they made it to Oklahoma today to visit with and hold the new great-granddaughter that arrived while they were in Texas.  They will be "home", south of Kansas City, tomorrow.  

I don't think we did anything, literally, the rest of the day!  The same could be said for most of today.  All of the projects are done.  Yesterday and today have been wonderful days for sitting outdoors!

Okay, just figured out what we did Wednesday, if you are interested.  Gayla--haircut, manicure and pedicure; Glen--paid the trash pick-up bill.  Really not exciting, at all.  

Glen and I went to the Thursday afternoon Jam Session.  It was a full house--12 performers.  This jam session was the last for the season at Stinson's RV Park.  Glen did great.

Weather Update:  Low--64 degrees; High--83 degrees; light breeze, mostly sunny skies!  Forecast is for temperatures to be climbing the next few days to be  100+ degrees for Saturday/Sunday.  

We are settling in for the Mizzou basketball game in the SEC tourney.  We are hoping for a win!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

3-12-2013 Tuesday Breakfast Tacos and Fish Fry and Fire Department

For the last breakfast in Zapata this winter Gary and Evelyn chose for us to go to "Stripes", home of the 99-cent breakfast taco. 

Breakfast taco----homemade flour tortilla filled with scrambled eggs (at least two) with choice of ham, bacon, different sausages, beans, anything "Mexican". 

After a stop at the grocery store it was home to break out the bucket and brush and soap!  The four of us jumped in to wash Gary's pick-up truck.  They need to be able to see out the windows for the trip north.

They will be leaving in the morning between 7:30 and 8:00.  The weather forecast looks good for them as they travel.

This afternoon Fred and Gay brought crappie fillets and the appropriate utensils to fry those fillets.  Gay made hush puppies and cole slaw.  We provided baked potatoes; Evelyn made tartar sauce.  Oh, my, what a delicious meal.  Fred had caught the crappie here in Falcon Lake before getting serious about bass fishing. 

We were so full we couldn't even eat the homemade fried pies Gay brought for dessert.  Thankfully she left a pie for each of us for later--as in tomorrow!

The Jam Session had an unexpected turn.  During the second half of the session the smell of smoke became pronounced.  The RV park office was called.  The manager came down and toured the rec hall.  The smoke was still strong; the manager then called the fire department.  There was no smoke but the smell of smoke was still in the air when everyone left.  The fire department was still there looking things over. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday, 3-11-13 The Days are Dwindling Down to a Precious Few

Gary and Evelyn organized and prepared for their departure on Wednesday morning.  As we said today..."it is hard to believe how quickly the time has gone by!"  I will repeat: we will miss them.  

The performers at the Tuesday night Jam Session met tonight for a dinner together at a local restaurant.  Spouses were also welcomed.  The group shared their thanks and appreciation to Tom, the leader of the pack!  

After dinner Gay and Fred came by our place for one last evening of cards.  Each team won 2 games.  Fred said a tie was like "kissing your sister!"

Fred and Gay will be here one more week.  Fred has done lots of fishing, but not lots of "catching".  There has been discussion on why there hasn't been much catching.  The lake level is low, so one would think the fish would be concentrated in a smaller area.  

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Saturday, March 9, 2013 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words!

The pictures below tell of the morning's activities!

 Let the parade begin! Zapata County Fair Parade, Zapata, TX
 Congressman Henry Cuellar
 Veteran's Organization from Laredo, TX
 Old Glory blowing in the wind.
 Border Patrol on horseback.
 Border Patrol on 4-wheeler.
 Border Patrol ready for the water.
 Fancy vehicle.
Miniature horse hard at work.
 We help sponsor this one each Tuesday evening! :}
The End!

There were about 75 units in the parade.  A group of 30 horses would be one unit.  The high school band was one unit.  

Sad Face.  The Mizzou Tigers lost the basketball game in the last seconds of the game versus Tennessee this afternoon.

The End of the Day.  The wind has blown dust around all day.  The skies are hazy with the dust. But, it did make for a beautiful sunset.

Friday, March 8, 2013

March 8, 2013 Latest News

Our home town, Iberia, Mo, is celebrating tonight!  The basketball team from Iberia played for, and WON, the Third-Place-in the State Tournament against Oran MO by two points!  

This is the first time since 1968 that Iberia has been to the final four.

Congratulations to the team! 

March 8, 2013 Last Night's Fun

Fred and Gay, our good friends from Oklahoma, came over last night.  Fred's son, Mike and Mike's best friend, Rusty, were with Fred and Gay.

Mike and Rusty have been here a week tomorrow, doing lots of fishing.  There hasn't been a lot of "catching", but lots of fishing.  

Gary put on his chef hat last night and prepared the best-ever Reuben sandwiches.  Gay brought deviled eggs; and I contributed jalapeno' poppers and dip/chips.  It was a great meal.

We sat around the table until 10:30, exchanging funny stories, forging the bond of friendship even stronger.  

Today has been quiet!  Sh-h-h!  Not much going on at all.

Gary took his pick up to a mechanic this morning to see if the problem of insufficient air conditioning could be solved.  The mechanic did three hours of work.  The trip back to Missouri should provide the opportunity to see if the a/c works properly.  

Did you notice I slipped in "back to Missouri"?  Yes, Gary and Evelyn are making plans to head north to Missouri.  The plans are to depart this coming Wednesday morning.  Boy, will we miss them!  But we understand their desire. Evelyn wants to be part of the Palm Sunday service at their church, and, they are stopping in Oklahoma to see a great granddaughter that has arrived since they have been in Texas.  

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Late Night--More tomorrow

We have had company; a great time, but it is late.  Will fill in the details in the morning.  Check back then!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Last Minute Plans 3-6-2013

We had  to go to Laredo today!  There were meds to pick up at the Walmart Pharmacy.  Two out of three prescriptions were ready!  With one not complete there will be another trip soon.

There was quick stops at Sam's Wholesale, and Sears.

Now for the "last minute" plans!  Gary and Evelyn's grandson, Ross, is working this week north of Laredo.  He got in touch with Grandpa and Grandma, hoping to be able to make connections with them. It worked out perfectly to meet him this afternoon.

We met Ross at The Olive Garden at 5:30 for dinner.  The food was delicious.  Visiting with Ross, learning about safety inspections for natural gas pipelines, was educational and interesting.  

According to the Weather Station sitting on our desk: low of 48 degrees; high of 78 degrees; currently at 8:45 p.m. 62 degrees.  A great day.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Seen Today....Dorothy and Toto!

Several neighbors reported seeing Dorothy and Toto fly over the neighborhood today!

There was enough wind today to move Dorothy and Toto around!  Whew, this morning the wind was steady at 30-35 mph.  The wind has moved on now and it is quiet; starry, and 55 degrees (at 10:32 p.m.). 

Of course we stayed indoors.  Glen and I did some reading, bookwork on the computer, even a nap! 

There were technical difficulties Sunday evening in TIVOing "The Amazing Race".  It didn't happen! :}  Glen found the show on CBS. com.  We watched it, and a couple of other recorded shows. 

We went to the Jam Session tonight.  The stage was filled with musicians.  There were at least 15 that went to Dairy Queen afterwards for a Blizzard/snack!  The laughter was rolling as stories were told on one another!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Social Butterflies 3-4-2013

It's Monday....
   do laundry--check--Evelyn

 make phone calls--check--Gayla
       call Walmart Pharmacy for refill --check--Gayla
        Received call FROM doctor's office in Missouri; learned that thyroid is no longer functioning. I will be taking a synthetic thyroid hormone pill for the rest of my life.
         Realized that I gave correct phone number for Walmart Pharmacy but wrong city to the nurse in Missouri.  Told her "Zapata" instead of "Laredo"!   Made return call to correct that error.

There was cheering and dancing in the aisle after learning that we do not have to go to Missouri this coming week end.  Doctor was okay with giving me the news over the phone instead of an office call 1000 miles away!! 

Also scheduled for this coming Saturday was Glen's 50th High School Graduation Reunion.  Received calls last night saying reunion was being rescheduled as Iberia High School basketball team is in the final four and will be playing on Saturday!  Hurray for that timing!!

Tonight we were invited to Mark and Jane, neighbors and friends from church, for a cook out.  Oh my goodness, it was delicious.  Mark cooked pen-raised quail, pork ribs, brisket, and chicken quarters in the bar-b-cue over a combination of mesquite, pecan, and oak wood.  The guests brought in side dishes---corn casserole, macaroni salad, baked beans, cole slaw, potato salad, stuffed jalapenos.  Can you say "stuffed", "roly-poly"?  And I forgot dessert...two kinds of cake.

By the way, Mark raised the quail that he prepared and cooked.  Mark raises the quail, retrieves the eggs, incubates the eggs, and raises the quail and the cycle continues.  Up to 120 eggs at a time can be incubated.  

After tonight the social calendar cools off.  Tuesday will bring Jam Session; Wednesday we will go to Laredo to pick up prescriptions, Thursday, another Jam Session.  We are just so-o-o busy! :}

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The End of the Day March 3, 2013

I cannot believe it is the Third of March already.  The days are flying by!

Today, Sunday, was typical of our Sundays: SS and Worship, lunch with the church group, and a nap.

The church we attend has a mission church..Nueva Vida, a Spanish speaking congregation.  Tonight the two churches met together for an evening of song and music, both in English and Spanish.  Glen and Evelyn sang in the choir, and sang a duet.

Nueva Vida, as host church, served a sandwich dinner after the service.  Members of our church provided the desserts. 

Hope you have had a great week-end.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Fair Week Beginning

We walked over to the neighbor's yard sale this morning.  We had previewed the sale items yesterday afternoon, but wanted to say good morning to the crew.  Of course, didn't buy a thing!

A trail ride kicked off Fair Week's activities.  We drove out the highway to watch the chuck wagon  and the many horses and riders.  There will be much to do this week if one is involved in 4-H.  

Library and banks and other businesses will be closed Thursday and Friday  for the Fair.  Saturday there will be a parade.  

Gary and Glen helped the neighbor's "behind" us with some construction.  Luis and LaLa are Hispanic and speak very little English.  They are in their mid-80's, I would guess.  Luis goes three times a week for dialysis in Laredo--about 45 miles or so one way.  Today Luis was gone and LaLa was trying to repair some wind damage. Glen and Gary took over the repair and finished it for LaLa.   

The four of us sat outdoors and watched the Mizzou Tigers beat the LSU basketball team.  It was a great game.  

Hope you have enjoyed a great Saturday.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Dinner Party 3-1-2013

We......Evelyn, Gary, Glen, and I......hosted a dinner party tonight.  

On the menu: prime rib----yes, you read correctly!
                        baked potatoes
                        Oriental cole slaw
                        Steamed mixed vegetable--brought by a guest
                        Homemade wholewheat bread--brought by a guest
                        Homemade ice cream--brought by a guest
                        Brownies with pecans
                        Icebox cake

Oh my, it was all delicious!

Guests: 16 neighbors...7 couples and 2 widows plus the four of us

Location:  our outdoor living space
Time: 4:30.....avoided the bugs at this time

Gary wore the chef hat tonight.  He was in charge of the prime rib.  Evelyn prepared the cole slaw.  It was a big hit with several requests for the recipe.  

We slowly and leisurely prepared the tables and the outdoor living space during the day.  

We had a great time visiting with everyone.  It is a great mix of people, with ages ranging from the newly retired and nearly retired (ages 56) to retired for many years (age 80/81)  .  Two couples and one widow lady live here year around; the rest of us leave in spring and return in fall.