Saturday, May 31, 2014

5/31/2014 Putting the Pedal to the Metal! (7th Ranch RV Camp, Garryowen, MT)

Total miles today:  473
Time Zone tonight:  Mountain Time 
States traveled: South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana

The only tourist stops: a scenic overlook at the east end of the Badlands, and Wall Drug, in Wall, SD.

We had a mid morning snack of a dish of ice cream while at Wall Drug.  If you travel west you can't miss the Stop at Wall Drug signs along the highways.

Roads have been great.  I-90 continued to be very smooth.  We turned north on Highway 34 at the western boundry of SD, continuing west on Hwy 212 through Wyoming and into Montana.

We didn't stop at the Badlands or Mt. Rushmore.  All of us have seen these attractions.  Our goal for the next two days are miles, miles, miles behind us.  We need to get to the Canadian border by Monday.

Highway 212 is a state road, two lane, with wide open fields/pastures on both sides.  We saw several pronghorn.  Gary and Evelyn saw a momma with a newborn calf.

Hwy 212 leads to the site of The Battle of Little Bighorn.  It isn't called "Custer's Last Stand" anymore.  We have also visited this site.  We highly recommend stopping here.  Be sure to take the ranger-led tour.  

The 7th Ranch RV Camp is just west of the Battle of Little Bighorn.  It is a working ranch.  We stayed here four years ago.  It would be nice to have a few days here and enjoy some walking and birding.

Verizon Wireless is going and coming, mostly going.  Pictures later.
Glen, Evelyn and Gary at a scenic overlook near Badlands
Recognize this song?  
Mining Bentonite in Wyoming
Type of rock seen in highway cuts displayed at a rest area.
The Badlands from I-90

Friday, May 30, 2014

5/30/2014 First Day on the Road...or On the Road Again (American Creek RV Park, Chamberlain, SD; 563 miles for the day)

Ready to hit the road...Passaic, MO
Gary really was in the lead for a while.

The view from the windshield:  the Missouri River, Chamberlain SD

We were on the road by 8:07 a.m.  There was two fuel stops, one lunch stop, and one rest area stop; other than that it was go-go-go for 563 miles.

It was literally interstate all day.  We remembered I-90 in South Dakota as a "cowboy" a bucking bronco.  But the surface has been ground, and it is much better.

We have seen lots of farmland, hay and cattle.  

It is 9:06 p.m. and still not dark.  I can still see across the river.

The American Creek RV Park is a former Corps of Engineer's campground.  It is obvious from the signs.  I have no idea why it is no longer associated with the COE.  

Glen is busy studying the map, figuring how many miles we should travel tomorrow.  Usually we aren't on a schedule, but we need to be in Anchorage by June 12.  

Thursday, May 29, 2014

5/29/2014 The last, final gettin' ready to go plans! (Passaic RV Park, Passaic MO)

It was a short 3 1/2 hour trip this morning to the Passaic RV Park.  This is where Evelyn and Gary are parked.

We have looked at the map, found campgrounds, made a tentative schedule with Evelyn and Gary; called friends Jim and Dee who will meet up with us someplace in Canada, and will talk to Marcella and Jeff who will be travelling a few days behind us and will eventually catch up with us.  

Glen is resting.  The past few weeks have caught up with him, mentally and physically.  He is my driver; I want him rested and well for the next few weeks.  

We will be on the road in the morning.  Hang on to your coattails; we are heading to Alaska.

Please leave a comment once in awhile!  We like to hear from our readers!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

5/28/2014 Half Right, or Half Wrong (Back in Greenwood AR)

We followed the directions on the GPS as we left the Lake View RV Park in Houston.  We turned right, commenting that we had never gone on that street before.  

Almost immediately traffic was backing up, finally coming to a standstill.  

If you have listened to national news today then you are aware of all of the flood warnings for Houston.  We awakened at 3:30 a.m. to the hardest rain, the constant thunder than we had experienced in a long time.  It continued for hours.

As we were creeping along the street the ditches on both sides were filled with water, sometimes to the edge of the road.  Shortly traffic in front of us started turning around to go in the direction we had just come from.  I got the binoculars, looking ahead, and seeing, yes, water across both lanes of traffic.  

You can see by the pictures above that we had to drive through.  There was no other option.  There was no place for us to turn around.  We watched other vehicles drive through so we knew we could make it.  Oncoming traffic waited for us to drive through the middle of the pavement, making sure we didn't get off the edge.

The last picture is with the door open, looking behind us!  Trisha tells us tonight that the flooding in Houston has been on the news all day.

Just to make it official....we hate the traffic in big cities, especially in Houston.  Of course this morning we were driving in prime time.  

Now for my apology...I complained Sunday night about the condition of Highway 59 south from Carthage Texas, all the way to Houston.  I was half right--or half wrong.  It is just the southbound lanes that are that rough.  Going north today, the road/lanes were much better!  

We drove in and out of rain all day today.  We arrived back in Greenwood AR about six this evening.  We were able to eat dinner with our daughter, and then enjoy a short visit with Brady and Tanner.  Brady was busy with reading "Lord of the Flies", preparing for a test tomorrow.  

Everyone is ready for school to be out.  Finals are next week.  The last day of school is June 10.  

Glen was in good shape today; the site for the bone marrow extraction was tender.  He drove all 475 miles today.  

We finalized plans with Trisha for their flight into Anchorage.  Their entire family are flying to Anchorage, renting a Class C motor home, and spending 13 days there. We are checking out their MH, meeting them at the airport, and getting them to the campground that night.  The fun then begins.

It is on to Missouri in the morning!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

5/27/2014 Happy Dance

Here's the good word!  

MD Anderson Cancer Center is an awesome place.  I would like to have each and every friend and family member promise, if needed, they would seek care at either MD Anderson or some other speciality care center.  "Cancer" is marked out in their logo as it is their goal to wipe out cancer.

All new patients are assigned a team upon arrival.  We received a schedule for the day: go here, go there, go to labs, meet with this person, go for bone marrow extraction, meet with doctor's assistant, meet with doctor.  It took all day.

The final word:  yes, Glen has CLL.  Yes, he is symptom free except for the elevated blood count and bone marrow involvement.  It may be 10 years before treatment is needed, if ever.  Blood work will be done every three months for two years, and then every six months.  

Blood work/labs do not have to be done at MD Anderson.  It can be done with our oncologist in Cape Girardeau, MO.  Our doctor said that often patients have one lab done at "home", then three months later go to MD Anderson, and so on.  Sounds good to us!  That's a schedule we can work with!

Glen agreed to be part of a research project/team.  Anything to help in future medicine/treatments/cure.

Glen's doctor said "go, have a great summer!"  That's our plan!

We are headed to our daughter's tomorrow, then on to Glen's sister Evelyn's, then....."North to Alaska!"

Thank you for your care and concern, for your prayers.  We feel that prayers are the Very Best Medicine.  

We are looking forward to being on the road.  Get ready, the pictures and descriptions will be coming!  

Monday, May 26, 2014

5/26/2014 Ode to the GPS (Lake View RV Park, Houston TX)

We have always bragged on Texas roads as being the best we have traveled.  Not today!  Highway 59 south of Carthage, Texas to Houston was horrible, bumpy, uneven, shake the liven' daylights out of you rough, all the way to Houston, about 4 hours.

Now, for the question of the day.  How did we ever travel without a GPS?

We maneuvered through downtown Houston to the RV park, recommended by friends Ron and Brenda.

Lake View RV Park is 5 miles from MD Anderson Cancer Center with a shuttle going to and from.  We did a trial run this afternoon, finding our way, as we will drive in the morning.

The GPS got us through downtown to the park, to MD Anderson, to the nearest WalMart, and back to the RV park, without any glitches.  

How in the world did travelers make it with just paper maps?  One explanation is that travelers back in the olden days didn't travel long distances.  I remember often meeting company in town, then guiding them to our home in the country.  

I assume the GPS system came about as a result of NASA, and satellites and probably the Armed Services.  I salute the engineers, photographers, scientists responsible for this technology.  

We are to be at MD Anderson at 10 a.m.  I assume it will be an all-day procedure/situation.  When we know something, we will let you know.  Say a prayer for Glen, the doctors, nurses, technicians making decisions.  

Thank you, veteran, active or retired, or served a long time ago.  We appreciate you service, your dedication to the USA.  We say "thanks" to your family who missed you, worried for you, and was eternally gratefully when you returned, and who mourned those that didn't return.  

My dad had five brothers.  All six served in the Army/Air Force or Navy from WW II through Korea.  

5/26/2014 Catching up Carthage RV Park, Carthage, Texas

It has been a very quiet few days, meaning we have done nothing worth reporting to you, our adoring fans! :}

We left Greenwood, AR, Sunday morning, heading south.

"What", you scream!  "That is not the way to Alaska!"

Well, you know those plans that full-timers write in Jell-o.  The plans that are never set.  Our plans changed.

Nearly a month ago at a routine medical check-up, it was discovered that  Glen has an (very) elevated white blood count.  Long story short....he has been diagnosised with CLL {chronic lymphocystic  luekemia).  

A few facts:  
   +it is very slow growing
   +elevated white blood count is Glen's only symptom
   +it is related to Glen's exposure to Agent Orange

All of this happened in Cape Girardeau, MO.  We liked the doctor very much, but chose to have a second opinion.  Thus..we are headed to MD Anderson in Houston Texas.  

The oncologist in Cape Girardeau suggested that we go ahead, head to Alaska, come back in three months and forget all things medical.  Sounds good, but we decided we wanted more info, not having to wonder all summer about every ache/pain.

IF, and that is what we expect to hear, MD Anderson tells us the same thing--go have a great summer---that we will immediately start to Alaska.  IF NOT, then we will do what MD Anderson says!

Obviously, this new, unexpected health hiccup was not in our plans.  We are aware that our ability to lead the gypsy lifestyle may be curtailed.  But, whatever happens, we meet with gratefulness for the past nearly seven years, with the knowledge that the Lord is guiding our life, that we have the love and prayers for our family and friends.  

Friday, May 23, 2014

5/23/2014 Family Pictures

Tanner, currently 8th grader; Brady, 10th grader

Tanner, Trisha, Brady

Trisha and Jeff  (see any photo bombers anywhere?)

Brady, Tanner, Trisha, Jeff

Landon, currently 11th grader; Jeff; Natalie, 9th grader

Landon, Trisha, Jeff, Natalie

The entire family: Brady, Landon, Trisha, Jeff, Natalie, Tanner

Brady, Tanner, Landon, Natalie

Landon, Natalie

 These were all taken the day of the funeral.  A wonderful family.  We are proud of all of them.

There was a ten percent chance of rain for here today.  There were two totally isolated--over the fairgrounds--rain showers this afternoon with a total of 1 inch of rain.  

Of course it was Glen's fault.  Yesterday he washed the truck.  This morning he washed half the motorhome.  

Thursday, May 22, 2014

5/22/2014 Quiet Day

Glen got ambitious this afternoon.  He washed and detailed the truck.  Oh, my!  The truck looks better.

We tried a new lunch place that Trisha recommended.  it is called "Pad Thai".  Obviously the menu is made up of Thai dishes.  We each had a bowl of "pad Thai.  Mine was flavored with beef, and Glen's was a combo of pork, beef, and chicken.  It is long, skinny noodles, sprouts, green onions, soy, and sprinkled with crushed peanuts.

It was scrumptious.  The servings were large.  We brought enough home for dinner.  Delicious the second time.

Brady is signing up for "dual-credit" courses for his junior year in high school.  Tonight he had a meeting at the U of Arkansas-Ft. Smith.  It was an orientation for the classes.  They were reminded the classes are "college"; assignments are made and it is up to the student to get assignments finished.  Part of the class is  Dave Ramsey's " Responsible Finances" (not the official name).  

College classes, dual credit classes remind me how fast time is passing by and changing.  Brady will have several college hours at graduation.  

Today's high was 90 degrees.  This reminds me of early summer rather than late spring.   

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

5/21/2014 Is it Sunday? Saturday? Wednesday?

Do you have days you can't figure out what day it is?  Or it seems like another day?

Today it is Wednesday. But it doesn't seem like the middle of the week because.... We attended the funeral for Trisha's father in law.  Somehow the funeral made it seem like church service on Sunday.

Willie left quite a legacy.  Literally everyone who knew him mentioned how friendly he was, what a good friend he was, never knew a stranger, how happy he always was.

I mentioned yesterday that he played a guitar, right up to the days before the last hospitalization.  I knew he had started playing once a week in the dining room of the care center.  I learned today that he then was requested to play/sing in the second wing of the care center, and, that he had organized a band with other care center residents.  

Trisha/Jeff's house was filled with family.  We enjoyed another wonderful lunch.  If you didn't read yesterday's journal entry to see the menu, go back to read.

Today the menu was: fried chicken, bar-b-qued ribs, pulled pork, pulled beef, jambalaya, baked beans, cole slaw, salad with Italian dressing, and two kinds of cake.  

We used the Seal-A-Meal machine to bag some of the food to put in the freezer for later use.  There are three teen-aged boys who will eat it later!  

We then returned to our home on wheels, leaving the other family to visit, discuss plans, admire a 6-week old baby boy....all the things a family does when there is a gathering.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

5-20-2014 Grandsons Brady and Tanner

As Trisha and Jeff had errands to run and places to be today, we helped with things at the house.

I ironed all of the shirts and pants for the teen-aged boys.  Yes, I remembered how to use an iron!  

Brady's dirty clothes' hamper was overflowing.  He felt "poorly" today so stayed home from school.   "We" kept the washer/dryer going all afternoon.  

Visitation services were tonight.  There were many friends as well as family that paid their respects for Jeff's father.

R., wife of one of Jeff's clients, provided the evening meal for family and friends.  R. is originally from New Orleans.  Tonight's menu:  veggie tray, fruit tray, two kinds of bread, spiral-cut ham with glaze, German potato salad, chicken/sausage gumbo, purple hull peas/sausage gumbo, rice, and a dessert tray.  OMGoodness, delicious isn't strong enough to describe those flavors.  Scrumptious! Flavorful! Savory!  You get the picture
Tanner and Brady, our two oldest grandsons


Monday, May 19, 2014

5/19/2014 Awards Ceremony

We were blessed today to be able to attend the Eighth Grade and Ninth Grade Awards' Ceremony (Greenwood Junior High).

Tanner, eighth grader, earned a certificate for being on the Faculty Honor Roll.  This means he maintained a 3.5-3.9 GPA for the school year!  I didn't hear his actual GPA.  

Natalie, ninth grader, earned a similar certificate for being on the Faculty Honor Roll.  She was t-h-i-s close to being on the Prinicpal's Honor Roll--a 4.0 GPA.  Her GPA was 3.93.  Natalie also received recognition for being the number one student in Digital Communications.  

Last week Brady, tenth grader, also received his certificate for the Faculty Honor Roll.  His GPA was as close to a 4.0 as Natalie...a 3.93 GPA.  

This was the first year the eighth and ninth grades held separate ceremonies.  The eighth grade class has 307 students, the largest class in the school system.  88 percent of the class is on one of the three honor rolls.  Quite an accomplishment!  

The ninth grade class has 287 members, with 77 percent on an honor roll.  

This school district is one of the top three in the entire state.  

The rest of the day was spent doing what we could to assist Trisha and Jeff in the preparations for family to arrive, for visitation/funeral services.  

Trisha, Tanner, Gayla

Natalie, and Jeff

Sunday, May 18, 2014

5/18/2014 Shopping for Teenage Boys

The afternoon was devoted to shopping for/with Landon and Tanner, who need dress-up clothes.  Teenage boys are picky too. 

First, they both are tall and skinny!  

Second, there are no such things as "dress up" in the young man's department.  Mom and Grammy and sister Natalie has to go to the Men's department to find pants, shirts, belts, ties.  

Third, there aren't many size 12 dress shoes that appeal to Tanner.

After two and hours shopping was finished.  Oh, My!  What handsome young men.  Hearts will flutter.  

You might be asking where was Brady?  He already had dress clothes, just purchased in the last month for a school activity.  

Visitation for Willie, Trisha's father in law, is Tuesday 1-8 p.m. with the family expected there from 6-8.  Traditions differ in different sections of the country.
Funeral is Wednesday morning.  

Darin reported that the last soccer game for Zade ended in a 0-0 tie.  

Zade receiving the team trophy, with his faux-hawk (not Mohawk) hair!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

5/17/2014 Leaving Family Sebastian County Fairgrounds, Greenwood Arkansas

Have I mentioned Zade is still playing soccer.  This week end is the last of the all-star soccer tourneys.  This one is in Cape Girardeau.

There was a game Friday night at 6:00, one this morning at 8 a.m., and in the morning at 10:15.
Friday night Zade was worn out from the week at school, so wasn't "into" the game as much as some games.  The team lost.  This morning Zade had had a good sleep so was ready to play.  The game ended in a 0-0 tie.  

That's as good as a win for their team.  They are much more defensive minded than offensive minded.  

We had been making plans to leave Cape Girardeau after the eight o'clock Saturday (today) game to visit with Gary and Evelyn.  But during the game our daughter called to share the news that her father-in-law had passed away last evening. 

After the game we finished the preparations to get on the road.  Darin and Sarah and Ashlynn and Zade came to the RV park to say good-byes and get one last hug and kiss.  If plans go as anticipated it will be 10 weeks or so before we see them.  

We changed our travel from north to south (after letting Evelyn/Gary know) and headed to near Ft. Smith Arkansas to spend some time Trisha/Jeff and family.  Funeral services are Tuesday and Wednesday for Willie B.

Willie B was 91 years and 10 months of age.  We have enjoyed getting to know him in the past few years.  He lived his Christian faith, always beamed with a smile, played a guitar, and LOVED his family.  He will be missed by his family and many friends.

 Cropland fields are soggy, every row and ditch filled with water; ditches and creeks and rivers are flowing rapidly with muddy water, spilling over the banks into adjoining fields.  There was one heavy shower this morning with several periods of mist/light rain.  

Thursday, May 15, 2014

5/15/2014 May is Half-Gone

Guess what?  there was more rain today.

There was soccer practice scheduled for 5:30 this afternoon.  We picked up the kids at after- school-care about 4:15.  On the way home the sun disappeared, black clouds rolled in, thunder rumbled, and lightning strikes appeared.

There had been sunshine, beautiful sunshine all day, but it all disappeared.

Darin came home and verified that soccer practice has been cancelled.  

We enjoyed a couple of hours with the family, and came back to the motorhome. 

I like reporting to you that we are enjoying the new satellite receiver.  The picture is better (not HD, but brighter); the remote is user friendly.

We remembered the Farmer's Market this afternoon.  We didn't expect to find fresh strawberries because of all the rain, but there were two vendors offering s'berries.  They are delicious.

We bought two pulled-pork sandwiches from a food wagon.  More delicious-ish-ness for lunch.

A Mennonite family had several tables of baked goods.  There will be cinnamon rolls with the bowl of Cheerios!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

5/14/2014 Did I Mention More Rain?

It rained all last night, all day, and is still raining.  The creeks and ditches are full, the fields are soggy and low places filled with rain.

The clouds moved, the sun popped out for about 60 seconds the middle of the afternoon.  Clouds reappeared and it started raining again.

Monday night we were watching the last "Criminal Minds" that was recorded when suddenly the satellite receiver quit working.  We tried all the tricks we knew:  reset button, unplug for 20 seconds and replug in.  Nothing worked.

After a call to DirecTV an appointment was made for a technician to bring a new receiver to us and install.  

We like the programming offered by DirecTV, but the voice on the other end of the phone does not know as much as she thinks, and tried to  make us think she knew.  DirecTV is only good in spite of the phone service, and because of the technicians.  

The phone lady told us she could upgrade our receiver to an HDTV receiver.  We told her it couldn't be done because our satellite was not compatible.  At the end of the conversation she said it could be done, the technician would know how to do it.

Of course, when the the tech got here he didn't even know he was coming to work on an RV.  He confirmed what we HDTV service because of our type of satellite.  But, he did replace the old receiver with a new HDTV receiver which offers much more storage for recorded shows, a better picture, and encouraged us to replace the satellite.  He also said this HDTV receiver would be more reliabile.  The "old" receiver is not even made anymore; only refurbished ones are sent out as replacements.  

We do now have satellite service again; it is a great picture even though it isn't HD.  The worst part of the situation is the loss of the recorded shows we had on the "old" receiver. We had caught up  on Jeopardy, Amazing Race, NCIS, NCIS-LA, Big Bang Theory during all these rainy days.

How is your week going?  

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

5/13/214 Last of Dental Appointments

Today was the last of the dental appointments for this spring.  

Dr. Gary replaced an old filling that had cracked.  We made appointments for the middle of November, just six months away.  I am sure those days will fly by.

Better than it being the last dental appointment was the visit with our friend Pat, Dr. Gary's wife, who was working in the office.  We caught up on our children, exchanged a few grandchildren's stories, talked RV's and trips.  Dr. Gary was busy with other patients, but we did visit a few minutes.

We returned to Cape Girardeau as soon as the appointment/visiting was finished.  The upper lip was numb all the way, but did manage lunch when we returned. 

There was time for a short rest, then picked up Zade and Ashlynn at after-school care, took them to their home.  Poppy watched Zade play "2013 baseball" on the Wii.  I "helped" Ashlynn with math homework.  Thankfully I still understand what she is doing.  Also thankfully she didn't need any help.  She really just likes company as she does the work.

Counting coins! It is hard to believe she is learning that in first grade!.  

The other side of the page was English.  Words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings...are those called "homonoyms"?  

There was time for a make-up session before dinner.  Sarah and Darin are in trouble.  A little sparkly eyeliner and eye shadow , a little shiny lip gloss made Ashlynn very grown up!  There was a hint of what Ashlynn will be at age 16.  We chose our favorite lotion fragrance.  THEN Ashlynn rubbed it into my feet and legs.  She had a pedicure not long ago and learned the joy  massage.  Boy, do I enjoy it too.   I asked where they went for their pedicure and did she like it?  Her reply:  "Mimi, I didn't like it.  I LOVED it!"

We left at bedtime for Ashlynn and Zade.  Boy, are we going to miss those two precious grandchildren when we leave.  

Sunday, May 11, 2014

5/11/2014 Rain and Soccer

It was the last day of the soccer tourney.  Two games scheduled: 9:15 and 1:55.

Here's how the day went:

8:30, leave CG, drive in hard rain to Perryville.  Rain stopped.  Play game.  Rain starts at end of game.

Leave Perryville, drive back to CG.  Rain during rest break.

1:15 leave CG, drive in rain back to Perryville.  Game over.  Return to CG.  Drive in rain, very hard rain, on way back.

At least three more showers through the afternoon and evening.  

There was no winning games, one tie.  The second game of this afternoon was 0-4 all scored in first half.  You know what?  Zade was ecstatic with the "generic" participation  trophy.  They played hard, and they had fun!  

Glen and I went out for "mother's day" dinner at El Sol, our new favorite restaurant in Cape Girardeau.

It has been an evening of television, watching Amazing Race, The Good Wife, and The Mentalist, with peeks during commercials at the St. Louis Cardinal game.  

Saturday, May 10, 2014

5-10-2014 S-O-C-C-C-C-E-R!

It has been several years since we sat on the sidelines of a soccer tourney! 

Thankfully, the rain was over before the first game.  Zade and the All-Star team lost 0-1.  Zade's team is fun to watch.  They have learned technique since the first of soccer season.  They don't bunch up like a cluster of grapes--at least most of the time.  They are learning to play position.  The fathers are on the sideline to remind their respective son just where they should be and what they should be doing!  LOL  

The tourney is located at Perryville MO, 30 miles north on I-55.  The first game ended at 10:00; the second game started 4:10.  The Hickey group drove back to Cape Girardeau for some rest time, then drove back to Perryville.

This Mimi enjoyed her nap!  I think the other half of the clan also got naps.

The second game ended in a tie.  It also was enjoyable.  The referees were two 14 (?)-year-old-girls with their boyfriends watching on the sideline.  They were much more interested in impressing the boyfriend than the game they were referee-ing.  

There are two more games tomorrow.  The first is at 9:15; and the second at 1:55.  We will just stay there between the games.  

Friday, May 9, 2014

5/9/2014 Rainy Day

The morning was spent with Glen undergoing some lab work.  Of course that always takes time!

This afternoon we watched the black, ominous clouds roll in to the west of us.  We watched the skies open and listened as the rain fell.  There was some big drops and a small amount of small hail.  There were some damaging winds around,  but not RIGHT here.  

It also rained through the night.  Total rainfall since midnight is 2.6 inches.  There are some recently planted corn fields between the park and town.  Just yesterday we commented that the "corn is coming up."  After all the rain, we commented "look how that corn has grown."  

Zade is playing soccer in an all-star tourney tomorrow with two games tomorrow and two games Sunday about 30 miles from here.  We will make the 10:00 game in the morning; we will decide about the 4:15 afternoon game.  The projected scattered thunderstorms may have an influence on our decision.  

Thursday, May 8, 2014

5/8/2014 Seeing Friends

Several years ago at an RV rally in Ohio we met Brenda and Ron S.  We learned they retired from the St. Louis area.  We saw them again a few years later at another rally in Ohio.

Two years ago we were at the Landing Point RV Park in Cape Girardeau at the same time as them.  We have enjoyed getting to know them better each time we see them.  We have shared stories of mother's getting older, and all the other things one learns when visiting with other full-time RV-ers.

Brenda and Ron pulled into the Landing Point RV Park yesterday afternoon from "the valley" in Texas, and we were able to have a brief but great visit with them this morning.  They were on their way to see Brenda's mother who lives here in Cape Girardeau.  

Ron fought some fierce health battles this winter, and is gradually regaining strength.  Brenda was his stalwart and dedicated nurse/chauffeur/and all things necessary for the issues and battles they faced.

We look forward to visiting with them again before we begin our summer journey.

Tonight was Ashlynn's last swim lesson for this spring.  She can now concentrate on gymnastics.  Zade had soccer practice, getting ready for a tourney Saturday and Sunday.  

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

5/7/2014 Baseball

Tonight was Zade's first baseball game of the season.  Others have been scheduled but between heavy rains and field damage the first few were cancelled.

Darin is one of the coaches of the team.  After watching tonight all I can say is: "it is like herding cats!"  

There are a few that can actually catch a ball and throw accurately and hit a ball with the bat..  There are a few that are interested in learning how to do that.  There are a few that wants to know "when will the game be over", and there are two that do not give a flip about rules or learning how to follow rules.

At this age the coach pitches the first five balls.  If there isn't a hit by then, the ball is placed on the tee and the batter then hits the ball.  There are no outs.  The batter/hitter can only run one base at a time.  Each team plays all players, and all players bat each inning.

Like I said...."herding cats!"  

Zade, #4, first baseman

Slugger!  Zade

Glen has taken on the project of waxing the motor home.  It's a little each day, but he is making progress.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

5-6-2014 Life as Usual

Glen, Darin and Zade went to soccer practice tonight.

Ashlynn and I stayed home until time to meet the boys at the fitness center/pool.  We exchanged kids.  Ashlynn went to swim lessons; Darin went to gym during the lessons.

We took Zade to dinner.  Zade:  "Mimi, can we go to Chick Filet.  Can we? and, eat inside?  Please, Mimi."  Of course we can.

Then home to get ready for bed.  Ashlynn and Darin arrived home.  Ashlynn got ready for bed.  She was one tired girl.

Sarah got home about 9:30 as she had been in St. Louis for continuing education.

It continues to be in the mid 80's, temperature wise.  86 degrees today.

Monday, May 5, 2014

5/5/2014 Cinqo de Mayo

Did you celebrate today?  I looked up the reason for the celebration of Cinqo de Mayo.  It is not to celebrate independenace, but to celebrate a win in a battle in Texas.

We deliberately stayed away from our favorite restaurant, just because of the date.

We watched Ashlynn at the first night of gymnastic class--the first in this session.  She has been in in two other training sessions.  I have never been as flexible ever as Ashlynn is now!

Weather: windy and 88 degrees this afternoon.  Easing right into summer.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

5-4-2014 Love Letter

Here's a love letter from Ashlynn, first grader, granddaughter!

It is going to be hard to leave this sweet girl.

5/4/2014 The Week-End

Zade, age 5 11/12; Ashlynn, age 7 8/12.

These two kept us busy this week-end.

Their parents needed to attend a couples' wedding shower yesterday morning.  We entertained...ok, they entertained us all morning while the parents were busy.

Lunch was at a new-to-us restaurant, El Sol, on Broadway Street in Cape Girardeau.  It is now our new favorite Mexican restaurant.  El Sol has been open about six months.

Their family returned to their home in the afternoon.  The soon-to-be married couple spent the afternoon with them.

We had a leisurely afternoon and evening.

Zade had all-star soccer practice this afternoon.  We joined the entire family after soccer practice.  There was time for more sports for Zade:  "Poppy, will you play catch with me?  Poppy, I want to bat, too."  

I watched Ashlynn on her scooter.  

Have a great week!  It is finally great weather.  Today's high was 88 degrees, summer like temperatures.  Where was spring?

Friday, May 2, 2014

5-2-2014 Counting Our Blessings today

We were on the road by 8:30 this morning, traveling to Poplar Bluff Mo for dental appointments.  If our friend and dentist  ever moved his practice to the North Pole, we would follow him!  He is an awesome dentist.  I depend on him to keep me from ever needing "false teeth".  

Pat, the dentist' wife, and our good friend, was at the office.  She and I had a great visit while it was Glen's turn in the chair.  It was great to see you, Pat!  We are blessed to have these two wonderful people as friends for many years.

Forty-four years ago when Glen started the job from which he eventually retired, we moved to Poplar Bluff not knowing a soul.

A wonderful Christian lady, Jeanne, was the accountant.  She was Glen's mentor.  She was also a second grandmother to our two kids.  She sent birthday cards and get-well cards etc,  to the kids.  Jeanne is now a widow, living in an assisted living center, getting ready to sell her home.  

We visited with Jeanne for an hour after lunch.  We are blessed to have had this lady in and a part of our lives.

The rest of the day we spent with other great friends, Jim and Sandy and Tom and Donna.  Our children grew up together, we were poor together, we had many a meal together, we took trips together, we took care of each other's children, we took care of each other in times of sickness, we played many a game of charades or cards or OH! Spit!.  Now we compare grandchildren stories, exchange medical stories, and generally start the evening just where we left off--two months or four months ago.  We are blessed to have these people as friends for lo, these many years.  

It was great day, full of reminders of blessings.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

5-1-2014 It's the First of May

Did you ever deliver May baskets in your childhood?  I remember dancing around a Maypole during the elementary years at the two-room country school.  

The day started with doctor appointments for each of us.  It was the normal, twice-a-year blood pressure check for each of us.  

The day ended with pick up and delivery of Ashlynn and Zade.  It was home after school, get Zade ready for soccer practice.  Darin came home in time drive Zade with Glen going with them.

I fed Ashlynn, got her in the appropriate swimwear for swim lessons.  We then met Darin, Zade and Glen in front of gym/swim pool just before lessons began.  Darin went with Ashlynn; we brought Zade with us.  Whew!  what a busy evening.

Zade requested chicken strips at Chic Filet'.  Then it was back to his house, and shower and 'jammy time.  Sarah got home from beauty shop just as Zade was getting out of shower. 

We are going to Poplar Bluff, our "old" hometown, from whence Glen retired, for dental appointments in the morning.  

By the way, it was 37 degrees this morning.  Yes, we had to turn the furnace on.  Saturday, though, will be in the 80's--finally.